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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please make a 1 v 1 Warzone Match


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I'd like to see this be made part of the game. I enjoy dueling on my IO Merc, but find that ppl rarely want to duel me. Maybe if there was a 1 v 1 que I could have the satisfaction of merk'ing ppl 1 v 1 in a que instead of begging in gen chat for someone not scared to lose to come duel me a few times.



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I'd like that.


Although not related, I've always been trying to get people to do 3v3s or 2v2s during arenas where the other team doesn't have 4 players.


One time, we were in a 4v1, and we got our team to 1v1 him until he was defeated (allowing him to heal to full inbetween), was very fun and a lot of honor from the players I was with.

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I'd like that.


Although not related, I've always been trying to get people to do 3v3s or 2v2s during arenas where the other team doesn't have 4 players.


One time, we were in a 4v1, and we got our team to 1v1 him until he was defeated (allowing him to heal to full inbetween), was very fun and a lot of honor from the players I was with.


I try that too. Sadly, almost no one will do it. Even when they say they will, somehow most people cannot keep themselves from leaping/rushing/sneaking into attack the other guy when he's down.


On the other hand, I've been in a couple where I try to announce in /say that I'm going to sit the game out to make it even (when the other team is short handed), and one or more of the other side comes and attacks me when I'm standing in the corner, out of the way, doing nothing. I'm like, "really? ok, well if you insist". And then I join in the beat down.


Despite what a lot of people say here, I firmly believe that hardly anyone actually wants a fair fight. They just want to be on the winning side of an easy match. When your team is losing, people leave left and right. When your team is winning so much that they are farming the other side... hardly anyone ever leaves. I think I've seen it twice, maybe, max.


As far as 1v1s, from what I can tell, that's just a huttball match lately. :(

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I'd like to see this be made part of the game. I enjoy dueling on my IO Merc, but find that ppl rarely want to duel me. Maybe if there was a 1 v 1 que I could have the satisfaction of merk'ing ppl 1 v 1 in a que instead of begging in gen chat for someone not scared to lose to come duel me a few times.




The game is not even remotely balanced around 1v1. It barely works in a 4v4 setting. For this to work you have to:


1) Abandon trinity based system.

2) Give all classes off-healing skills.

3) Re-draw all specs.


This is not the MMO you are looking for.

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Sin/Ops vs Sin/Ops. The duel where NOTHING happened because both were in stealth waiting for the other to unstealth.



For 1vs1, I'd suggest trying to get something going with duel option in your guild, or post in your server subforum see if some people are interested, and decide on some rules.


No way it would ever work in a WZ format.



Also, when trying to get 1vs1 going, it helps to be serious about it. I totally ignore people going into fleet general chat as "yu dunt dar tu tak me 1vs1 yu wurthless pos"


(Actually thats not realistic even with the bunch of mispell. No way those guy would know what worthless means even if you slammed their head on the correct dictionnary page. )

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The game is not even remotely balanced around 1v1. It barely works in a 4v4 setting. For this to work you have to:


1) Abandon trinity based system.

2) Give all classes off-healing skills.

3) Re-draw all specs.


This is not the MMO you are looking for.


None of that would need to happen. Balance vs Player skill and intelligence. It's finding a medium between the two.


My 2 cents worth. Most players are dumb and don't know how to roll their class. So I believe that at least 95% of the people crying about class balance Post 5.0 are just bad at the game or don't know where their stuns and interrupts are.

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None of that would need to happen. Balance vs Player skill and intelligence. It's finding a medium between the two.


My 2 cents worth. Most players are dumb and don't know how to roll their class. So I believe that at least 95% of the people crying about class balance Post 5.0 are just bad at the game or don't know where their stuns and interrupts are.


You play a merc....'nuff said.


Lets see....


Self heal....check

Better defensive cool downs than any tank class....check

OP status confirmed for IO spec......check

The only class with a way to prevent escapes (stopping classes form stealthing, phase walking, or god bubbling)...check


Yes please tell us more about how balanced the game is in 5.0....please we all love a good story.


1v1 is silly even in the best of situations and most of the time it wont even be fun. Great tank v healer....awesome fun that tank....has absolutely no chance in hell. DPS v Healer....well unless the healer falls asleep the dps can't burst him down in a month of Sunday's. Merc/Sniper vs Jugg/PT well this should be...no it will be lopsided in the extreme......


Sorry the game isn't balanced for this in any sense of the word. But I can see why a merc player would want to do this....sure because of all the skill that class takes to play and all.....

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The game is not even remotely balanced around 1v1. It barely works in a 4v4 setting.


Not sure I'd agree with this comment. Snipers are the best 1v1 class at the moment followed by Mercs and then probably Operative but the rest really aren't a million miles apart. If the did introduce a competitive 1v1 mode and made a few balance tweaks to help support that mode then I feel you could get a relatively decent level of balance.


Sin/Ops vs Sin/Ops. The duel where NOTHING happened because both were in stealth waiting for the other to unstealth.


This is a problem but it's a trivially easy problem to fix so I'm not sure it's really worth thinking about. If they were to introduce a 1v1 mode they could add in a "stealth sight" buff you could collect which allowed you to see stealth classes. Collecting the buff would break stealth and it could spawn after 15s (thanks WoW).


None of that would need to happen. Balance vs Player skill and intelligence. It's finding a medium between the two.


My 2 cents worth. Most players are dumb and don't know how to roll their class. So I believe that at least 95% of the people crying about class balance Post 5.0 are just bad at the game or don't know where their stuns and interrupts are.


Not sure I agree with this either. Considering I just said that balance would be achievable via some tweaks to the current over performing class doesn't mean they're not over performing at the moment. Snipers and Mercs have a pretty sizable advantage over the majority of other classes in a 1v1 situation Personally, I feel Snipers do require a bit more skill in order to get good performance but once that cap is reached they're virtually unbeatable. Mercs are way over tuned in terms of input required to get the output you get.


Yes, some players are terrible and make mistakes but 95% of the complaints I've seen are about Mercs and those complaints are valid.

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This is a problem but it's a trivially easy problem to fix so I'm not sure it's really worth thinking about. If they were to introduce a 1v1 mode they could add in a "stealth sight" buff you could collect which allowed you to see stealth classes. Collecting the buff would break stealth and it could spawn after 15s (thanks WoW).


We are talking about the same people right?


People who still haven't fixed matchmaking in 5 years :rolleyes:


Gotta love those 2 healer 2 tank vs 4 dps imp vs imp reg wz arenas.


I'd admire your faith and unbridled optimism tough.

Edited by verfallen
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We are talking about the same people right?


People who still haven't fixed matchmaking in 5 years :rolleyes:


Gotta love those 2 healer 2 tank vs 4 dps imp vs imp reg wz arenas.


I'd admire your faith and unbridled optimism tough.


I've always thought put stealth on a timer. Maybe 45 second then no stealth for the same period. That might make stealth vs stealth fights interesting. But one thing some classes need is a way to prevent others from disengaging. Classes with an escape have that but classes without one should have a way to prevent others from escapeing. Commando has it, but the PT and Guardian could certainly use the same.


For PT I would give them an eNet of their own, they need a lot of help and that would be huge for them. For Guardians who need less help maybe give them mind trick, affected target cannot use stealth, phase walk, or god bubble for 6 seconds. No slow or damage built in just a way to stop escapes for a short period of time, put it on the same recharge timer as eNet and call it a day.

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I've always thought put stealth on a timer. Maybe 45 second then no stealth for the same period. That might make stealth vs stealth fights interesting. But one thing some classes need is a way to prevent others from disengaging. Classes with an escape have that but classes without one should have a way to prevent others from escapeing. Commando has it, but the PT and Guardian could certainly use the same.


For PT I would give them an eNet of their own, they need a lot of help and that would be huge for them. For Guardians who need less help maybe give them mind trick, affected target cannot use stealth, phase walk, or god bubble for 6 seconds. No slow or damage built in just a way to stop escapes for a short period of time, put it on the same recharge timer as eNet and call it a day.


sorc healers aside, those classes are balanced around the fact they have an escape, and some of those classes have anti-focus instead. PT is the only class right now that can only mitigate incoming damage. Last thing sorc or operatives needs right now is MORE class with hard counter to everything they have and long hinder.


EDIT: Say assassin would get a move that prevent any of your guardian mitigation DCDs to be used for 9 seconds, what would you say? THats how enet feels right now for operatives and sorc dps.

Edited by verfallen
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sorc healers aside, those classes are balanced around the fact they have an escape, and some of those classes have anti-focus instead. PT is the only class right now that can only mitigate incoming damage. Last thing sorc or operatives needs right now is MORE class with hard counter to everything they have and long hinder.


EDIT: Say assassin would get a move that prevent any of your guardian mitigation DCDs to be used for 9 seconds, what would you say? THats how enet feels right now for operatives and sorc dps.


So you think 9 seconds is better....sure. Well an assassin can avoid everything about saber reflect for the entire length it is in use, it has no affect on AoEs or dots, so there a way to always by pass that. Endure gives you a buff of health....but at the end takes that health away leaving no healing behind....so it kind of removes itself. But hey pop any defense that the assassin wants to avoid and simply stealth out, the guardian can't force you back and you can stay stealthed till the defense runs out. So only 9 seconds huh, sure how do you propose we alter the defenses of the guardian so after 9 seconds saber ward works on AoEs and Dots, or re-ups after a foe stealths outs? I'd be game for that but it seems a bit heavy handed.


Sorcs and Ops who escape can heal to full while the guardian can do nothing about that. Now technically he can recover against an OP because combat has ended but with the healing speed difference the op will still heal more and get a free stealth opener again....also ops are balanced with guardians? Really?


What did the op give up to get his stealth(we're talking dps versions)?


Guardian vs Ops dps, who is higher in a one on one? Well OP but its not a huge difference...I hope.

Guardian vs Ops defenses, who is better of in a one on one? Well OP but its not far off.

Guardian vs Ops self healing, who is better in a one on one? Well OP....

Guardian vs Ops mobility, who is better in a one on one? Well Op....

Guardian vs Ops CC ability, who is better in a one on one? Well Op....

Guardian vs Op escapeabilty, who is better in a one on one? Well Op....


I would also point out the op will get the opening shot, because the guardian can't see him coming and all, and get it a second time after he escapes assuming he needs to....


So what are you seeing as being given up by the Ops for the escape he has? Would the Op be totally screwed if he had no stealth at all against a guardian or would he still be ahead of him? I think he would still be ahead but by any objective look it would at the very least still be close....so what did that op give up for stealth and using it as an escape?

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So you think 9 seconds is better....sure. Well an assassin can avoid everything about saber reflect for the entire length it is in use, it has no affect on AoEs or dots, so there a way to always by pass that. Endure gives you a buff of health....but at the end takes that health away leaving no healing behind....so it kind of removes itself. But hey pop any defense that the assassin wants to avoid and simply stealth out, the guardian can't force you back and you can stay stealthed till the defense runs out. So only 9 seconds huh, sure how do you propose we alter the defenses of the guardian so after 9 seconds saber ward works on AoEs and Dots, or re-ups after a foe stealths outs? I'd be game for that but it seems a bit heavy handed.


Sorcs and Ops who escape can heal to full while the guardian can do nothing about that. Now technically he can recover against an OP because combat has ended but with the healing speed difference the op will still heal more and get a free stealth opener again....also ops are balanced with guardians? Really?


What did the op give up to get his stealth(we're talking dps versions)?


Guardian vs Ops dps, who is higher in a one on one? Well OP but its not a huge difference...I hope.

Guardian vs Ops defenses, who is better of in a one on one? Well OP but its not far off.

Guardian vs Ops self healing, who is better in a one on one? Well OP....

Guardian vs Ops mobility, who is better in a one on one? Well Op....

Guardian vs Ops CC ability, who is better in a one on one? Well Op....

Guardian vs Op escapeabilty, who is better in a one on one? Well Op....


I would also point out the op will get the opening shot, because the guardian can't see him coming and all, and get it a second time after he escapes assuming he needs to....


So what are you seeing as being given up by the Ops for the escape he has? Would the Op be totally screwed if he had no stealth at all against a guardian or would he still be ahead of him? I think he would still be ahead but by any objective look it would at the very least still be close....so what did that op give up for stealth and using it as an escape?


you do know "balance" means more than "all classes should be rickrolled by my guardian in a type of fight suited for my guardian" right? The more I see your post on this forum, the less I'm sure.

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you do know "balance" means more than "all classes should be rickrolled by my guardian in a type of fight suited for my guardian" right? The more I see your post on this forum, the less I'm sure.


So you're saying you have no defense for your previous statement, thanks for giving up so easily. Hey its what you should do when your so clearly wrong.

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Not sure I'd agree with this comment. Snipers are the best 1v1 class at the moment followed by Mercs and then probably Operative but the rest really aren't a million miles apart. If the did introduce a competitive 1v1 mode and made a few balance tweaks to help support that mode then I feel you could get a relatively decent level of balance.




This is a problem but it's a trivially easy problem to fix so I'm not sure it's really worth thinking about. If they were to introduce a 1v1 mode they could add in a "stealth sight" buff you could collect which allowed you to see stealth classes. Collecting the buff would break stealth and it could spawn after 15s (thanks WoW).




Not sure I agree with this either. Considering I just said that balance would be achievable via some tweaks to the current over performing class doesn't mean they're not over performing at the moment. Snipers and Mercs have a pretty sizable advantage over the majority of other classes in a 1v1 situation Personally, I feel Snipers do require a bit more skill in order to get good performance but once that cap is reached they're virtually unbeatable. Mercs are way over tuned in terms of input required to get the output you get.


Yes, some players are terrible and make mistakes but 95% of the complaints I've seen are about Mercs and those complaints are valid.




I'd trust -Bob- over the things you say.

Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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You play a merc....'nuff said.


Lets see....


Self heal....check

Better defensive cool downs than any tank class....check

OP status confirmed for IO spec......check

The only class with a way to prevent escapes (stopping classes form stealthing, phase walking, or god bubbling)...check


Yes please tell us more about how balanced the game is in 5.0....please we all love a good story.


1v1 is silly even in the best of situations and most of the time it wont even be fun. Great tank v healer....awesome fun that tank....has absolutely no chance in hell. DPS v Healer....well unless the healer falls asleep the dps can't burst him down in a month of Sunday's. Merc/Sniper vs Jugg/PT well this should be...no it will be lopsided in the extreme......


Sorry the game isn't balanced for this in any sense of the word. But I can see why a merc player would want to do this....sure because of all the skill that class takes to play and all.....


This reply screams 'sore bottom'.


It's about player skill. They did balance the game out when the devs removed double stance. I hate seeing people use PTs as an example. A good PT can keep a merc locked down and slowed as good as any melee class. I will bet you anything that the PT players pre 5.0 were only 'appearing to be good' because of how insane their PT Burst damage was.


Now that mercs have some survivability and have an actual way to sustain hp those same PT players that were so accustomed to killing mercs easily are now upset because the same quick bursty playstyle that annihilated mercs before won't work now.


So they choose to complain instead of learning to actually roll their class.

Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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This reply screams 'sore bottom'.


It's about player skill. They did balance the game out when the devs removed double stance. I hate seeing people use PTs as an example. A good PT can keep a merc locked down and slowed as good as any melee class. I will bet you anything that the PT players pre 5.0 were only 'appearing to be good' because of how insane their PT Burst damage was.


Now that mercs have some survivability and have an actual way to sustain hp those same PT players that were so accustomed to killing mercs easily are now upset because the same quick bursty playstyle that annihilated mercs before won't work now.


So they choose to complain instead of learning to actually roll their class.


If you - as a Merc yourself - ever had a 1 vs 1 against a PT and the PT won or even got close to winning, then you did not even get close to the full potential of the Merc.


The fact that you stil found yourself likely to win most duels just shows how overpowered the Merc is.


I main a Merc and there is no way that a PT could ever beat me in a 1 vs 1. No l2p helps here.


A PT can only beat a Merc if he is skilled while the Merc is dumb. This happens quite often currently though because the majority of those players who currently fotm-roll Mercs are dumb while only skilled players dare to play PT.

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If you - as a Merc yourself - ever had a 1 vs 1 against a PT and the PT won or even got close to winning, then you did not even get close to the full potential of the Merc.


The fact that you stil found yourself likely to win most duels just shows how overpowered the Merc is.


I main a Merc and there is no way that a PT could ever beat me in a 1 vs 1. No l2p helps here.


A PT can only beat a Merc if he is skilled while the Merc is dumb. This happens quite often currently though because the majority of those players who currently fotm-roll Mercs are dumb while only skilled players dare to play PT.


But you don't understand the PT he faced can slow a merc so he can't get away. ..... Because that would matter against an ordinance merc which is what our friend is.


Bant has a dps listing. Both dps spec's of the merc fall above average while both dps specs of the PT fall below and since we know how lopsided their defenses are that PT's only chance is if the Merc is really bad. Additional point from a previous post, both dps specs of the op are higher than that of any Jugg dps, one ops spec is the top dps build out there. So still looking for what the op gave up for stealth since it ain't dps, mobility, healing, defenses, or an escape.....

Edited by Sargrith
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