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Animal companions - Where can you get gifts?


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With the new animal companion in the cartel market <tukata> - what does it like? The standard gifts don't seem to appeal, except for a minute amount of influence for military equipment.

If it is one of those weird things <i.e. delicacies or something like that>, where can you purchase those gifts for it?

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With the new animal companion in the cartel market <tukata> - what does it like? The standard gifts don't seem to appeal, except for a minute amount of influence for military equipment.

If it is one of those weird things <i.e. delicacies or something like that>, where can you purchase those gifts for it?

Delicacies, yes. There are two main sources for those:

* Alliance crates (the ones you get when you turn in the locked alliance crates that are H2 rewards above level 60)

* One of the Jawa scrap vendors on the Fleet.

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