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opinion on Sniper spect in Ranked


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Hey guys,


I que ranked on a Sniper, and I love MM, i deal most damage with it and I can bring an enemy down quicked, I have worked out my rotation that provides "endless burst".


I keep getting whispers like: "Dude, spec eng or even viru"


This is my first season on Sniper in ranked, can anyone who has done it for a while, expain this obsession with Eng in ranked? I get the plasma probe is useful and maybe eng is more mobile in ranked, but getting out of cover is basically a death sentence. So why is Eng so much better in yolo?

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Hey guys,


I que ranked on a Sniper, and I love MM, i deal most damage with it and I can bring an enemy down quicked, I have worked out my rotation that provides "endless burst".


I keep getting whispers like: "Dude, spec eng or even viru"


This is my first season on Sniper in ranked, can anyone who has done it for a while, expain this obsession with Eng in ranked? I get the plasma probe is useful and maybe eng is more mobile in ranked, but getting out of cover is basically a death sentence. So why is Eng so much better in yolo?


It's only better in certain situations like if the strat is to tunnel the thank, it also kills cc potential with pugs because of the aoe radius. Marksman is a completely viable spec for solo ranked.

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In ranked, a good engineering sniper will have close to double the damage dealt than the next highest dps. When it's a 4v4, that's beyond fluff damage into a serious pressure the healer has to deal with. But that's just the start.


The aoe on engineering sniper is close to spammable, and has a slow. That means, against melee, it's a great peeling tool for keeping your team alive. Melee will burn their root/slow breaks just to keep up with their target, and then they'll be out of those breaks while they're still in the next aoe. It negates a huge portion of melee dps if your teammates run through it.


It's the same situation offensively, against ranged targets. Your melee has a very easy time catching up to the focus target when it's constantly the center of those huge plasma probes. The target will have to burn their root/slows to get out of the aoe and not have them for when the melee catches up to them.


That huge aoe also negates a lot of line of sight tactics the enemy team would use. Just toss the plasma probe behind them a little and they're stuck slowly moving out from behind cover.


It's not that MM is bad, it's that engineering is so over the top broken. The 70% slow with the huge area of effect of plasma probe is just completely overpowered.


Play what you love to play, and outperform the complainers to shut them up. Hopefully in 5.2 engineering is toned down a notch or two.

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In ranked, a good engineering sniper will have close to double the damage dealt than the next highest dps. When it's a 4v4, that's beyond fluff damage into a serious pressure the healer has to deal with. But that's just the start.


The aoe on engineering sniper is close to spammable, and has a slow. That means, against melee, it's a great peeling tool for keeping your team alive. Melee will burn their root/slow breaks just to keep up with their target, and then they'll be out of those breaks while they're still in the next aoe. It negates a huge portion of melee dps if your teammates run through it.


It's the same situation offensively, against ranged targets. Your melee has a very easy time catching up to the focus target when it's constantly the center of those huge plasma probes. The target will have to burn their root/slows to get out of the aoe and not have them for when the melee catches up to them.


That huge aoe also negates a lot of line of sight tactics the enemy team would use. Just toss the plasma probe behind them a little and they're stuck slowly moving out from behind cover.


It's not that MM is bad, it's that engineering is so over the top broken. The 70% slow with the huge area of effect of plasma probe is just completely overpowered.


Play what you love to play, and outperform the complainers to shut them up. Hopefully in 5.2 engineering is toned down a notch or two.


When a snare gets annoying even for ranged, its something.


Keep the radius imo, engineering staple is aoe. it has its pros and cons.


Slap a 9 second cooldown on it tough, and reduce the snare to 40% max, and only for the first few seconds.


Currently engineering has awesome fluff, awesome aoe, awesome aoe, and awesome burst.


And since most of sniper survivability comes from utility, they are just as survivable as the 2 other spec.


Also, since they are mostly tech based, they are less mitigated by tanks than marksman or by defense improving dcds like deflection.

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Both marksman and engineering are very strong specs in ranked, but they accomplish different things. I prefer marksman in solo ranked because you leave the option to cc one opponent the whole round and marksman burst catches players by surprise quite often, ending in a kill.


If I see a lot of mercs in the queue I'll switch to engineering since it is so much more effective against mercs and their direct-damage based DCDs.


Virulence is a weak pvp spec that breaks all ccs without the benefit of control/semi-burst from engineering. Never use it in ranked in current state of the game. Snipers can either burst (marksman) or pressure (engineering). In the past Viru was an excellent pressure spec, now it is weaker pressure than engineering with less burst and a ramp-up dependent, telegraphed main damage ability that any decent ranked pvper knows to LOS or pop something when it happens.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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When a snare gets annoying even for ranged, its something.


Keep the radius imo, engineering staple is aoe. it has its pros and cons.


Slap a 9 second cooldown on it tough, and reduce the snare to 40% max, and only for the first few seconds.


Currently engineering has awesome fluff, awesome aoe, awesome aoe, and awesome burst.


And since most of sniper survivability comes from utility, they are just as survivable as the 2 other spec.


Also, since they are mostly tech based, they are less mitigated by tanks than marksman or by defense improving dcds like deflection.


There's lot of possibilities for nerfing plasma probe, but I really like your idea to have the snare only last for the first few seconds of it. That alone is a fair compromise that would go a long ways to balancing it out.

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