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Solution to spam bots


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Spam bots spamming general chat about gold for sale are not a massive problem, but the solution to them doesn't seem particularly complex unless I am ignorant of the overheads of working changes into your game.


You could easily let the player-base tackle spam-bots themselves in some system similar to this:


-If an account (not individual character) receives 10 (arbitrary number) spam reports from unique accounts within say, an hour, they should be muted from gen chat for a period of time, either a fixed period or until they switch to another zone.

-If an account receives 50 of these reports in a day they should be muted pending investigation from CS.

-If the system is abused the victim can put in a customer service ticket, but I would be surprised if 50 people cared enough to report spam on an innocent player, especially if there was the possibility of getting reprimanded for abusing the system.

-Subject to well chosen parameters and fair conditions, it seems to me that a system such as this could save whoever has to look at all these 'report spam' instances some time.


p.s. plsmakegalacticcommandlegacywide

Edited by akisgood
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But people could justify reporting a player for things other than credit selling.


"They kept arguing with someone in chat" even though they may not have felt that the person they were arguing with was spamming at all.


"They were "spamming" LFG" (and by spamming they mean "saying it more than they liked to see", and LFG could be LFG, queing for PvP or flashpoints or whatever, trying to sell some merchandise, whatever.


Lots of ways the system could be abused without anyone being able to determine that abuse was happening.


I mean, how many people could claim that they just clicked the wrong name for various reasons?

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