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Grade 220 Bracers and Belts


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Hey Guys,

So I wanted to make sure this is nothing that I'm doing wrong, I have 2 characters ones an armormech and ones a synthweaver. I have them both maxed out on crafting and have learned all the schematics. However I have noticed that both of them have no belt and bracer schematics for belts or bracers at level 220. Has anyone else experienced this or is this something that i am doing wrong, let me know. The trainers have no more schematics to learn. All help is appreciated.

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The belt and vambrace(1) schematics are probably far down in the list, separate from the others.


(1) A bracer is armour for an archer to stop his own bowstring from tearing up the soft and thin skin on the inside of his forearm. You only wear one. Armour to protect your forearms from other people's weapons is called "vambraces". Every MMORPG makes this error, but that doesn't make it correct.

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