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Family Tree System Upgrade ( The Legacy)


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Sup guys, I've been playing SWTOR for a good maybe week and a half or two now. I must save I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the Family Tree part of the legacy system. however I just wish there was a little more pizzazz we could have going on with it so I've come up with an idea...



So my idea was that perhaps if you set one character as your primary characters child ( doesn't matter if they're a boy, girl) the parent or grandparent of that character would be included in the child's story line, although the idea still has some kinks to be worked out, such as this one. So I can't speak for other players but I had thought about the original main character being killed in the child's story line.. this would set the child on a rampage ( Sith) Quest for justice ( Jedi) or whatever the class is to find your parents murder respectively. As you all know the main story line is already completed and I highly doubt the Devs are gonna go back and re-program all of that code to reissue a new feature into the game, So I figured they could make it a expansion called " The Legacy" or something of the sorts. It'd be absolutely horrid for most players who aren't heavily RP oriented because since your main character dies in the expansion...that specific character would be rendered unusable forever. Although I LOVE to role play and I wouldn't mind sacrificing a character to open up a entire new story line.. in my personal opinion it'd just add to my love for the game. of course this feature would be secure as well. Shift + T to start the expansion and a warning to make sure the player knows exactly what they're about to get into. Once you'd start this expansion another warning telling you that the character you pick will be rendered useless for the rest of the game.


There are a few little bugs here and there that I haven't quite thought about, such as what would happen if the character that dies has more than one child, would siblings also be involved in the expansion etc. Lol I don't know I just felt like I wanted to share my idea with the community. Hopefully if we get enough support maybe the Developers will take it into consideration. I'll say again this expansion would be by choice only so you don't have to lose a character if you don't want to. But yea that concludes my idea, don't forget to post below to let me know what you guys think and what we could possibly come up with for the bugs and glitches. I hope I didn't take too much of your time and thanks for viewing! have a SUPPPER DAY!



P.S Sorry if this is in the wrong forum category I'm still a noob V_V

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that specific character would be rendered unusable forever. Although I LOVE to role play and I wouldn't mind sacrificing a character to open up a entire new story line.. in my personal opinion it'd just add to my love for the game. of course this feature would be secure as well. Shift + T to start the expansion and a warning to make sure the player knows exactly what they're about to get into.

This is the modern Internet, and people are notoriously prone to ignoring the contents of warning popups and clicking whatever button it is that lets them get on with what they want to do.

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since your main character dies in the expansion...that specific character would be rendered unusable forever. Although I LOVE to role play and I wouldn't mind sacrificing a character to open up a entire new story line.. in my personal opinion it'd just add to my love for the game. of course this feature would be secure as well. Shift + T to start the expansion and a warning to make sure the player knows exactly what they're about to get into. Once you'd start this expansion another warning telling you that the character you pick will be rendered useless for the rest of the game.




I am a roleplayer but I would not like this. You are not taking into consideration that some people have put in time and effort into that character not to mention gearing that character and with the way the gearing is done right now asking a person to make that character useless is a bit much after all the time and effort a person has spent gearing that character.


My main is my scoundrel and married to my boyfriend's Jedi. We have 2 daughters but the amount of time we both have spent on our characters in over 5 years gearing them and then wanting to make them useless I don't agree with.


You say you been here a week or two so yes you may not have a problem with making them useless but for those that have maxed crafting, geared our characters to do group activities, and other activities a lot of people will have a problem with as well, even roleplayers like myself.

Edited by casirabit
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I am a roleplayer but I would not like this. You are not taking into consideration that some people have put in time and effort into that character not to mention gearing that character and with the way the gearing is done right now asking a person to make that character useless is a bit much after all the time and effort a person has spent gearing that character.


My main is my scoundrel and married to my boyfriend's Jedi. We have 2 daughters but the amount of time we both have spent on our characters in over 5 years gearing them and then wanting to make them useless I don't agree with.


You say you been here a week or two so yes you may not have a problem with making them useless but for those that have maxed crafting, geared our characters to do group activities, and other activities a lot of people will have a problem with as well, even roleplayers like myself.


Yeah, don't be rendering my characters unplayable.

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Yeah, don't be rendering my characters unplayable.


Like I said, If there were to become an expansion It'd be for people who would WANT to go through with the decision of making one character useless. No one said anything about forcing it onto anyone. I don't think you read the entire post clearly. The argument you just made is somewhat invalid and makes no sense.

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I am a roleplayer but I would not like this. You are not taking into consideration that some people have put in time and effort into that character not to mention gearing that character and with the way the gearing is done right now asking a person to make that character useless is a bit much after all the time and effort a person has spent gearing that character.


My main is my scoundrel and married to my boyfriend's Jedi. We have 2 daughters but the amount of time we both have spent on our characters in over 5 years gearing them and then wanting to make them useless I don't agree with.


You say you been here a week or two so yes you may not have a problem with making them useless but for those that have maxed crafting, geared our characters to do group activities, and other activities a lot of people will have a problem with as well, even roleplayers like myself.




Like I said, If there were to become an expansion It'd be for people who would WANT to go through with the decision of making one character useless. No one said anything about forcing it onto anyone. I don't think you read the entire post clearly. The argument you just made is somewhat invalid and makes no sense.

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