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Jedi Knight Romance options (Quest and Companion)

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Hi guys,


Just a quick one. Coming from games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and KOTOR. I was wondering what the romance options are as a Jedi knight for both any companions you get and story lines you follow. I know there is a romance option right at the start on Typhon with a twiliek who becomes the matriarch however after that you never speak again despite the whole sequence pointing toward coming back to her and that kind of thing. I was just wondering what other options are there in the story and companions beyond this? and do they effect each-other? for example. If i choose to pursue someone else in the story romantically will it effect my relations with my companion who i may choose to go down the romantic root with, if there are even any more romantic options in the story because as far as i can see there aren't? I'm interested for the Rp value of the story as its why ive decided to pay and play this game and it just had me wondering after the sequence on typhon is there more to it like other RP games i mentioned or is it less in depth and less options?


Thanks in advance

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The options are as follows:


Beginning story: Kira if male, Doc if Female


Shadow of Revan to end game : Lana and Theron ( they don't care about characters gender)


Kira who is JK and Lana who is a Sith are the better of romances, Theron a republic spy is next, followed by Doc who Kira acccurately describes as a walking hormone.

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To answer your second question it does matter if it is any of the main romances. So if you start romancing Kira and later romance Lana the game will ask you who you want to keep and you will have a breakup scene with the one you didnt chose. These scenes are quite terrible Lana's made me feel like a puppy kicker.


That being said there are a few one night stands throughout the game such as the twilik. The main romances will never mention these. I too was disappointed that I could never see her again she invited my first character a female Jedi Knight to be adopted as her sister.


One interesting thing you can try is on Lana and Theron ONLY, before you commit to being in a relationship with either of them you can flirt with both of them and they get jealous of each other. They are the only characters to openly discuss being jealous with you.

Edited by XeniasLatin
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