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Companions Falling Behind your character


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Companions are not able to keep up with the player. When running the companion falls far behind your character. This also causes them to not participate is half of a battle due to having to catch back up or being too far to heal if they are range DPS.


This issue only occurs when the "Sprint" ability is active. If you disable it, your companion is able to keep up with your character. The companion's either need to have their own sprint applied to them or increase the speed they run by 35% to keep up.

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I used to really like how your companion would run along with you, sometimes even right beside you. Now I have to frequently stop and wait for them to catch up (and watch as they slowly traverse half the length of the planet because they fall so far behind.)


I want to feel like my companion is part of the action again with me and not some lowly servant struggling with my bags or something. :D

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