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Veteran and Master phases of both expansion packs KotFE and KoET


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They act like solo instances. Only one person - the instance owner - can advance the story while in the instance. However, if you want to go through the instance together, and the other person is happy to simply be a spectator (My wife and I do the instances this way, because it's fun to see the choices someone else makes), you can drag the other person into the instance by inviting them.


To do this, you right click on your portrait (or maybe their portrait) while in an instance and select "Invite to story instance", or something like that. I forget the actual mechanics, and since I'm not in game right now, I can't double check for you.


But there's an option on the portrait right clicks that allows you to do teleport another group member into your instance. You can even do it during a cutscene.

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