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big furry bantha monster/ my opinion


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k before i begin let me just say that i love bioware and form the large part enjoy this game. i could reel off all the bioware games i have played but i am not going to. instead what i wish to do is highlight why i think this game will ultimately (and rather sadly imo) fade into the void along with the likes DC online an warhammer. i say sadly because i have enjoyed it alot. I WILL however CONTINUE TO PLAY.


is it just me or do the maps on this game feel very boxed in. very much cookie cutter shape worlds with different terrains and quests all placed neatly into large squares...why not oblongs i ask?

Everyone talks of bioware as being a great company which they are. bioware austin however largely consists of many former mythic employees. warhammer online any1?while on the one hand in TOR you have many great bioware elements (compelling story), we are reminded time and time again of this games mythic origins (Ilum any1?).


Then we come to EA who sunk millions into this game. many of which was well spent. but need i say more. EA...humble, non money grabbing EA...


this game currently feels barren and lifeless thanks to sharding.


the engine is not optimised to run as well as it could have (xmas launch any1?). this is why you see so many people complaining about how their rigs run the game (when its not the rigs problem). wonder if EA had anything to do with a rushed launch?


no UI mods (and other WoW like nuances) dont flame me! i shall come back to this point in a moment.


i could go on about what this game lacks at launch. and likewise you could tell me that it just launched so dont expect all this stuff. BUT this game cost $80 million to develop...r you telling me that despite this $80 million budget they simply could not include things like mods etc? Oh wait...of course they couldnt. this game is headed by EA who rushed this game to launch so they could grab all that sweet sweet money at xmas.


To conclude things like UI mods, sharding, and a sub par engine are all temporary. It will improve i hear you say! patches galore! on top of this we will get more great content from bioware. IMO however a game with an $80 million budget which fails to launch with such things sorted seems a tad silly.


these problems are all compounded by the fact that the game does very little WoW doesnt. yes it has story, and yes i find myself caring more about my toon. but i would make the argument that WoW feels more alive storyline aside. The maps are not all cookie cutter squares and i am accompanied by a soundtrack of footsteps.


poor design it what will see this game fade away. the things people whine about now. things like lack of UI mods and no LFG tool etc. there all very small things. but they are elements which point to a larger truth. poor game design (STORYLINE ASIDE!). while its easy to add mods and what not, it is something else entirely to redesign an entire game.


and that is my opinon. an opinion which holds just as much sway as yours. now if you excuse me i will go back to playing TOR.


seasons greetings!

Edited by Vervada
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If you are going to use that title ("An Inconvenient Truth", then you need at least one chart. Preferably one that requires a lift to point at the highest point. I suggest one that charts fun on a timeline, and that starts out with Fun levels at its highest point, then drops down dramatically with you in a sad face at the present time. Edited by Qoojo
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He does have a point though.


After BF3 came out, I decided to boycott EA games, then I bought this. x_x


Why does such a bad company have a hold over such good games or games with such potential? >_<


EA is just bad and after money. If Bioware didn't make this game, and if LucasArts didn't have a say in a lot of the development and other things, the game would flop.

Edited by SnaggleFox
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He does have a point though.


After BF3 came out, I decided to boycott EA games, then I bought this. x_x


Why does such a bad company have a hold over such good games or games with such potential? >_<


thank you! i was beginning to worry i would not get a constructive response

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k before i begin let me just say that i love bioware and form the large part enjoy this game. i could reel off all the bioware games i have played but i am not going to. instead what i wish to do is highlight why i think this game will ultimately (and rather sadly imo) fade into the void along with the likes DC online an warhammer. i say sadly because i have enjoyed it alot. I WILL however CONTINUE TO PLAY.


is it just me or do the maps on this game feel very boxed in. very much cookie cutter shape worlds with different terrains and quests all placed neatly into large squares...why not oblongs i ask?

Everyone talks of bioware as being a great company which they are. bioware austin however largely consists of many former mythic employees. warhammer online any1?while on the one hand in TOR you have many great bioware elements (compelling story), we are reminded time and time again of this games mythic origins (Ilum any1?).


Then we come to EA who sunk millions into this game. many of which was well spent. but need i say more. EA...humble, non money grabbing EA...


this game currently feels barren and lifeless thanks to sharding.


the engine is not optimised to run as well as it could have (xmas launch any1?). this is why you see so many people complaining about how their rigs run the game (when its not the rigs problem). wonder if EA had anything to do with a rushed launch?


no UI mods (and other WoW like nuances) dont flame me! i shall come back to this point in a moment.


i could go on about what this game lacks at launch. and likewise you could tell me that it just launched so dont expect all this stuff. BUT this game cost $80 million to develop...r you telling me that despite this $80 million budget they simply could not include things like mods etc? Oh wait...of course they couldnt. this game is headed by EA who rushed this game to launch so they could grab all that sweet sweet money at xmas.


To conclude things like UI mods, sharding, and a sub par engine are all temporary. It will improve i hear you say! patches galore! on top of this we will get more great content from bioware. IMO however a game with an $80 million budget which fails to launch with such things sorted seems a tad silly.


these problems are all compounded by the fact that the game does very little WoW doesnt. yes it has story, and yes i find myself caring more about my toon. but i would make the argument that WoW feels more alive storyline aside. The maps are not all cookie cutter squares and i am accompanied by a soundtrack of footsteps.


poor design it what will see this game fade away. the things people whine about now. things like lack of UI mods and no LFG tool etc. there all very small things. but they are elements which point to a larger truth. poor game design (STORYLINE ASIDE!). while its easy to add mods and what not, it is something else entirely to redesign an entire game.


and that is my opinon. an opinion which holds just as much sway as yours. now if you excuse me i will go back to playing TOR.


seasons greetings!


I agree with some of your post. Its the lack of basic things found in all MMORPGs that bug me.


Good point on them wanting the game on the shelves by Christmas.

Honestly I agree with them on this point. They have to sell the game.

Just wish basic macros were available, and the Follow command actually worked.

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s it just me or do the maps on this game feel very boxed in.


have you been to Tatooine yet? I almost missed a entire area. The game has never felt "boxed in" to me.


warhammer online any1

are the "o" "n" and "e" keys not properly functional on that keyboard you have?

This really hurt the argument and point you are trying to make, it makes it look like you don't care enough to type out the words properly.



EA...humble, non money grabbing EA...

Grow up, every company is out for all the money they can make.


this game currently feels barren and lifeless thanks to sharding.

I never have a problem finding other players when I need to, and it avoids the figthing over quest mobs/items.


the engine is not optimised to run as well as it could have (xmas launch any1?). this is why you see so many people complaining about how their rigs run the game (when its not the rigs problem). wonder if EA had anything to do with a rushed launch?

Optimized not optimised.

It runs fine for me, and also "rigs" and any"1" again?


No ui mods, OH NO THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!111!!!!eleven, give the game some time.


EA who rushed this game to launch so they could grab all that sweet sweet money at xmas.

Another EA jab.


these problems are all compounded by the fact that the game does very little WoW doesnt.

I know right? I mean its not like I enjoy the voice acted quests, or the lore and settings.

It does a lot of things WoW does not.

Here are some things that I think it does better.

Setting, story line and VA/VO. Classes are fun to play compared (IMO) and crafting is fun so far.

It has a nice "art style" and the quests along with the voice overs really help in making me care why I am doing what I am doing.


poor design it what will see this game fade away. the things people whine about now. things like lack of UI mods and no LFG tool

What poor design? There is a LFG tool.


poor game design

Thats a personal opinion, I think its great.

Edited by titanmike
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He does have a point though.


After BF3 came out, I decided to boycott EA games, then I bought this. x_x


Why does such a bad company have a hold over such good games or games with such potential? >_<


EA is just bad and after money. If Bioware didn't make this game, and if LucasArts didn't have a say in a lot of the development and other things, the game would flop.


Oh NOES, EVIL BADWRONG EA strikes again.

Please, jump off the ea hate wagon, every company is just out to get money. Do you understand how company's work in relation to shareholders?



thank you! i was beginning to worry i would not get a constructive response

It was hardly a "constructive" response, its more akin to bashing EA.

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have you been to Tatooine yet? I almost missed a entire area. The game has never felt "boxed in" to me.



are the "o" "n" and "e" keys not properly functional on that keyboard you have?

This really hurt the argument and point you are trying to make, it makes it look like you don't care enough to type out the words properly.




Grow up, every company is out for all the money they can make.



I never have a problem finding other players when I need to, and it avoids the figthing over quest mobs/items.



Optimized not optimised.

It runs fine for me, and also "rigs" and any"1" again?


No ui mods, OH NO THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!111!!!!eleven, give the game some time.



Another EA jab.



I know right? I mean its not like I enjoy the voice acted quests, or the lore and settings.

It does a lot of things WoW does not.

Here are some things that I think it does better.

Setting, story line and VA/VO. Classes are fun to play compared (IMO) and crafting is fun so far.

It has a nice "art style" and the quests along with the voice overs really help in making me care why I am doing what I am doing.



What poor design? There is a LFG tool.



Thats a personal opinion, I think its great.


Nice series of Ad Hominem attacks against the OP there bud.


Oh and "What poor design? There is a LFG tool."



is the "n" key not working on your keyboard?

this just makes your argument look...etc etc,

people in glass houses etc etc.

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