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MLP operative: Fluttershy vs Rarity


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So, continuing with my *ahem* role playing as MLP in swtor despite how strange it sounds, I now wish to make an operative. I have narrowed it down to Rarity and Fluttershy. Which one do you think would fit which role and why?


The following is just my personal opinion on things.


Now, people could say Rarity is most likely not an operative because she prefers to be at a distance, but here's the thing. People seem to be saying that if she was in D & D, she would be a rogue. However; rogues, If I'm not mistaken, need to get up close to their enemies which she would not do, thus she would most likely be a sniper. Now, Fluttershy on the other hand can go either way, sniper or operative. Reason being is she would also prefer to be out of sight of enemies. Now, I'm going to bet on stealth because not only can one disappear, but once at a safe distance, one would just bring themselves out of stealth. If sniper on the other hand, she would concern herself with bringing her target down before it even reached her.


Now, Rarity can also go operative, although it would be very out of her character and well, there is a picture of her "backstabbing" a solider. -> http://img09.deviantart.net/37a7/i/2015/051/5/0/equestria_girls_gmod__that_rarity_is_a_spy_by_daimando-d8ivuec.png


I realize that both roles would be somewhat awkward for both characters, but I imagine they would fill the roles if they had to. I don't know, which one for which? Do I make Fluttershy or Rarity an operative even though operative is the last class, Rarity would want to be?

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When Rarity fights, she almost always fights using her hooves, not her magic. Furthermore, she seems to have taken some form of martial art. This is Rarity in a fight: http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121223224516/mlp/images/c/c4/Applejack_gets_kicked_in_the_face_S2E02.png And so is this: http://orig07.deviantart.net/5c9d/f/2012/156/e/6/rarity_vs_changeling_vector_by_shadowblade911-d52d03n.png So nope, she wouldn't be a distance fighter. She's up close and personal, probably the 3rd best physical combatant of the Mane-6, and only behind Dash and RD because she lacks the raw physical prowess those two have. Operative would indeed be the most fitting choice for her.


As to Fluttershy, she'd be a healer. Operative most likely, due to the ability to hide. Which also works nicely for solo PvE, as a tank companion means you can use all the positional attacks with ease, and the companion ability that pulls all baddies to the companion bunches 'em up nicely for AoE'ing. That all adds up to a healer operative being able to solo at pretty decent speed, especially when combined with the ability to skip fights using stealth. But ultimately, even if not an operative, she'd be one of the three healing choices.


So, DPS operative = Rarity, healer operative = Fluttershy.


Err, I mean, a show for little girls? I'd never watch that. *whistles innocently*

Edited by Battilea
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When Rarity fights, she almost always fights using her hooves, not her magic. Furthermore, she seems to have taken some form of martial art. This is Rarity in a fight: http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121223224516/mlp/images/c/c4/Applejack_gets_kicked_in_the_face_S2E02.png And so is this: http://orig07.deviantart.net/5c9d/f/2012/156/e/6/rarity_vs_changeling_vector_by_shadowblade911-d52d03n.png So nope, she wouldn't be a distance fighter. She's up close and personal, probably the 3rd best physical combatant of the Mane-6, and only behind Dash and RD because she lacks the raw physical prowess those two have. Operative would indeed be the most fitting choice for her.


As to Fluttershy, she'd be a healer. Operative most likely, due to the ability to hide. Which also works nicely for solo PvE, as a tank companion means you can use all the positional attacks with ease, and the companion ability that pulls all baddies to the companion bunches 'em up nicely for AoE'ing. That all adds up to a healer operative being able to solo at pretty decent speed, especially when combined with the ability to skip fights using stealth. But ultimately, even if not an operative, she'd be one of the three healing choices.


So, DPS operative = Rarity, healer operative = Fluttershy.


Err, I mean, a show for little girls? I'd never watch that. *whistles innocently*


Seeing as how operatives are melee, does that mean that I'll never get to play any operations?

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