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DvL gear armor -still good up to lvl 50?


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A few interesting things they did here:


1) The armor (and set bonus contribution) is now a removable mod. I have not tried it yet, but this would imply that they can be freely placed into any modable skins in the game. Not that you need to, with appearance designer in place now.


2) The armor mod is Bind To Legacy, meaning you can move them across your legacy now. Also means you can keep the original shells and reuse them if you like the looks. Note: the skins remain BoL after you remove the mod too. [This might be the first indication that they plan on making some mods BoL in the future as well.. or it could be a one off. But clearly it shows they can and will make gear mods with a BoL tag if they choose to. ]


3) they boosted the effective armor of the mod to 160, up from 128 I believe, so it's actually useable all the way past 60 if you choose and not notice protection issues (though it is inferior in stats to 160s, so the stats on the amor mod appear to still be effectively level 52 when comparing it to the fleet vendors mods)


These are progressive changes by the studio and they really should have talked them up a bit more in the patch notes in my view.

Edited by Andryah
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Hey thanks for all of that. Interesting. I logged in and it's better than my level 42 mods by far so I'm happy with that. I only have 5 out of 7 so I was able to compare it to my other pieces. Both of my 5 piece sets were ok with mods in inventory (different servers as I changed over to harb in Dvl so I have 2)
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