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Lore: Empire vs Republic


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I am reading all SW books... selected by timeline - started with oldest. I am currently reading "Star Wars: Knight Errant" and by that book... Empire is kicking Republic ***, its strong and have no history of being beaten (compared to the start of this game, where our sith guys returned from unknown space to take revenge). Ofcourse its like 2000k years of empty space between this book and SWTOR... still looks like Empire is destined to survive Republic attacks and even start winning the war to the point where good guys will be close to annihilation.


"More than one thousand years before Luke Skywalker, the galaxy is enveloped in a dark age when an ineffectual Republic has abandoned entire systems to Sith control."


Sooo... are we destined to fight for 2000years with small victories and small loses, till Empire will start winning hard (I am at this point of timeline) and at the end will be destroyed (have to read my way to this point)... because its a history in movies? :p

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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Sooo... are we destined to fight for 2000years with small victories and small loses, till Empire will start winning hard (I am at this point of timeline) and at the end will be destroyed (have to read my way to this point)... because its a history in movies? :p

The (Galactic) Empire in the films is actually a mutated version of a successor state of the SWTOR Republic. It is NOT a successor state of the SWTOR (Sith) Empire.

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Knight Errant is set near the end of the New Sith Wars. I think during the Republic Dark Age. In the old EU it's basically the period Darth Sidious was referring to when he said "Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy."


But it's a different Sith Order than the one in this game. The Sith Empire in Swtor was supposedly long gone by the time this one was founded by a rogue Jedi. The New Sith Wars begin 1600 years after Swtor and last for a thousand years.

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