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Slinger/Sniper Probe


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I m the only one that think this probe has to be on cd and not spamming it here and there or i m over reacting?


It can only work on 1 target, so if you reapply it on to a different target, it disappears from previous target...its a dot that can't be spread... not like poisonous dart for example.

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Hi there! I'm sorry if this comes off as being a dick or anything, but unless you played the spec, you have ZERO room to argue about something of it. The only burst that Engineering Sniper even has is Interrogation Probe > Explosive Charge > Series of Shots > EMP Pulse. Plasma Probe is a lackluster AoE, it deserves to be able to be spammed. The damage it does is minimal, the duration is short af, and if you go into 70s PvP, the only way it could ever be useful is to delay a cap of some sort because if you use it offensively, almost every class has a way to escape an AoE now (which is honestly stupid since every class can run away now). The only time you wanna use Plasma Probe offensively is either A. People are grouped up or B. You're focusing one guy and wanna stun him (Interrogation and Plasma combined together on one target procs EMP Pulse, stunning the target for a couple of seconds). As of right now, the only viable use of it offensively is B, not A (unless you have low energy) because 1. A proper timed orbital in a group of people will do way more damage and 2. Suppressive Fire can be spammed as well and does more damage (but no one complains about that LOL). The only people that seem to complain about this spec are those who DON'T play it and those who have a hard time seeing through the Probe (guess it's ok that Death from Above, Force Storm, and Operative's new AoE can hinder your sight though? LOL). If ANYTHING, the players who play this should be complaining because 1. Plasma Probe is purely *** in terms of damage (don't even argue "But look at the leaderboards!" It's all fluff damage and fluff damage is not the damage that kills targets :D) and 2. When Explosive Charge and Series of Shots are both on CD, this spec has no other ways to burst down any target, except for Snipe and Interrogation Probe (this is just a big NO for this spec).


Edit: just realized you didn't specify what Probe you were arguing about. That spec has two spammable probes: Plasma Probe (what I argued above ^) and Interrogation Probe. Interrogation Probe, as stated by the previous, is a single target only and can only be applied to one target at a time as it disappears from the previous target when applied to a new one. Also, it's damage is lackluster in terms of DoTs and if you wanna complain about spammable DoTs, go complain about Operative's Lethality and Sniper's Virulunce and their Corrosive Grenade and Corrosive Dart, which CAN be spammed on every target. That spec has even more fluff damage than Engineering's Plasma/Interrogation Probe due to all of the healers that people run and all of newly added DCDs (*********** Mercs, but that's a different discussion :D)

Edited by LanternsUnite
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i m not talking about damage ofc. I m only talking about slow spamming all time to a group of ppl with no cd at all.

I was thinking that for example with 8sec cd will be better.

Current state is that if a group move out of fire to avoid slow, player can re-apply it with no cd at all.

And i m talking about the one that apply slow.

Edited by Sotmax
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The only people that seem to complain about this spec are those who DON'T play it and those who have a hard time seeing through the Probe (guess it's ok that Death from Above, Force Storm, and Operative's new AoE can hinder your sight though? LOL).


Or maybe those people who actually play teamranked and know that this is by far the best dps specc? Bruh, if you dont acknowledge engineer as the best teamranked dps you have some serious perception problems

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Or maybe those people who actually play teamranked and know that this is by far the best dps specc? Bruh, if you dont acknowledge engineer as the best teamranked dps you have some serious perception problems


I can deal with its dmg but not with the slow one.

Literally even if you brake it in some secs the enemy will spam it to you again and there is nothing you can do about it.

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I can deal with dmg but not with this one.

Literally even if you brake it in some secs the enemy will spam it to you again and there is nothing you can do about it.


engineer has everything without tradeoff. It has the best singletarget dps, the best aoe dps, and at least toptier utility if not the best. It still boggles my mind why this specc gets away with a rotational hardstun AND a 70% spammable aoe slow.

I also dont get why sniper has immunity to interrupts AND pushback, and all that while having the best cc immunity uptime of all classes, best range mobility and 35m range. At this point they should give engineer just boss immunity, at least we would get some command points then when the miracly happens and he somehow dies.

Edited by Qwurdilu
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Yeah, sure. The slow can be a problem for some people if you're an idiot and blow through your newly added movement option which now makes it to where ALL classes have a way to move out of a situation quickly. But you're also talking about a situation that has a small chance of happening: Sniper pops Plasma Probe on 4 People (Example), 4 people move out of AoE, Sniper reapplies Plasma Probe based on a targeted player, Probe only affects those who went the same way. If any smart player saw a spammable AoE in the middle of their group and had to move out to evade it, would you move with the group or away from knowing that it will be reapplied? If it is reapplied, it'll affect a smaller percentage of the players that were originally affected. Engineer is "the best team ranked DPS spec?" You're kidding right? All of its damage comes from Explosive Charge > Series of Shots, which even then you'd be lucky to down +40%, which will be healed easily in team ranked. (Fluff damage - damage that just stacks... if you fought a healer for 10 minutes in a WZ, but never killed them, you're the greatest DPS now because you've done so much damage to that one healer, but you never killed them neither have you helped your team playing the objective on the opposite side of the map). And... engineering is the best DPS spec... you wanna talk about Damage potential? Lethality Operatives and Virulence Snipers can out parse Engineering easily in PvE, (yeah they may be top 3 in PvE, but PvP it's a different story). If you can't kill a target, you're damage means nothing in team ranked because it'll get healed right up back to full. "OMG I did 2.5mill damage in 2 rounds, I'm the best Sniper ever and Engineering is top DPS spec!" LOL, give me a break please. Leaderboards mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Ever play an MMO that requires skill? Your damage out means nothing if you can't beat the content. Your damage out means nothing if you can't kill a player or win the match. Oh and for the record, Engineering is NOT the best single target and AoE DPS spec. If any of the Sniper specs are, it's Virulence, where you can actually DoT ALL of the players at once and deal damage to all of them without having to spam an ability that uses 20+ energy each time for lackluster damage and fluff damage. And Sotmax, you maining a class at 3.0 means and I'm assuming that you shelved it afterwards, that you haven't played the spec in over two and a half years. Many things can change :D
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Yeah, sure. The slow can be a problem for some people if you're an idiot and blow through your newly added movement option which now makes it to where ALL classes have a way to move out of a situation quickly. But you're also talking about a situation that has a small chance of happening: Sniper pops Plasma Probe on 4 People (Example), 4 people move out of AoE, Sniper reapplies Plasma Probe based on a targeted player, Probe only affects those who went the same way. If any smart player saw a spammable AoE in the middle of their group and had to move out to evade it, would you move with the group or away from knowing that it will be reapplied? If it is reapplied, it'll affect a smaller percentage of the players that were originally affected. Engineer is "the best team ranked DPS spec?" You're kidding right? All of its damage comes from Explosive Charge > Series of Shots, which even then you'd be lucky to down +40%, which will be healed easily in team ranked. (Fluff damage - damage that just stacks... if you fought a healer for 10 minutes in a WZ, but never killed them, you're the greatest DPS now because you've done so much damage to that one healer, but you never killed them neither have you helped your team playing the objective on the opposite side of the map). And... engineering is the best DPS spec... you wanna talk about Damage potential? Lethality Operatives and Virulence Snipers can out parse Engineering easily in PvE, (yeah they may be top 3 in PvE, but PvP it's a different story). If you can't kill a target, you're damage means nothing in team ranked because it'll get healed right up back to full. "OMG I did 2.5mill damage in 2 rounds, I'm the best Sniper ever and Engineering is top DPS spec!" LOL, give me a break please. Leaderboards mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Ever play an MMO that requires skill? Your damage out means nothing if you can't beat the content. Your damage out means nothing if you can't kill a player or win the match. Oh and for the record, Engineering is NOT the best single target and AoE DPS spec. If any of the Sniper specs are, it's Virulence, where you can actually DoT ALL of the players at once and deal damage to all of them without having to spam an ability that uses 20+ energy each time for lackluster damage and fluff damage. And Sotmax, you maining a class at 3.0 means and I'm assuming that you shelved it afterwards, that you haven't played the spec in over two and a half years. Many things can change :D


Do you even teamranked or is it just some virgin talk youre havin here? There is so much wrong in your post, i dont even know where to start :rolleyes:


If you want to determine if a class is op or not just ask by what its counter. Currently you can only counter a sniper with another sniper, simple as that. its OP

Edited by Qwurdilu
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Go on, talk about all of my "wrongs" in my posts. I'm curious as to what you're going to say Mr. Engineering Is #1! Guy. LOL. At this point, I'm getting amused :D


I have a better idea, you start to play teamranked as a melee and play against my team featuring engi sniper :o #easyratingincoming

Especially cant wait for you to show me how easy it is to get out of plasma :mon_rolleyes:

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The slow should definitely be removed. Spamable CC shouldn't be in the game. The game is already heavy on CC.


This along with Electro-Net should be nerfed. They should either remove the DOT from electro-net or preferably remove the ability impairing effect.

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I have a better idea, you start to play teamranked as a melee and play against my team featuring engi sniper :o #easyratingincoming

Especially cant wait for you to show me how easy it is to get out of plasma :mon_rolleyes:

Ok, can I hop on my Operative and just troll you with knockback overload shot while we're at it? :D LOL, how you wanna die to? Death by Knife or Death by DoTs? :D

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The reason it seems OP is that the engi sniper can basically keep you 70% slowed 100% of the fight ESPECIALLY if its one on one. I frequently use Virulence and I'm relatively unstoppable. heh. But I once encountered an engineering sniper that wanted to duel me in open field in Hypergate. Sounded like fun, so we did. (we never spoke, this just kinda went down) He beat me twice by just a hair. Him having 5-15k hp remaining when I died. And part of it is that we werent left alone and some of his team got in a few hits. BUT every time I moved or rolled he would keep that probe on me, which prevented me from using LOS properly and provided a constant dot I couldnt avoid. I probably lost just cuz I was so annoyed with it and kept trying to get out of it.


The point is, its a dot with a 70% slow that can have 100% uptime unless you just straight up run away. Also it prevents capping anything. Its just a tiny bit OP. Another issue is that since all an engi snipers AOE is buffed and they have like 4 AOE attacks at least, so it keeps you right there for the rest, you can run or eat it, and it sucks either way.


The reason no one cares is that there aren't many engi snipers who REALLY can use the class well, once there are more, then nerf may come in. But at max it should only have an 8 second cooldown.


Compared to the 3 lives plus heals of mercs and the unkillable healers, I'd say its low priority, other classes should be buffed before they nerf anything sniper.

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Yeah, sure. The slow can be a problem for some people if you're an idiot and blow through your newly added movement option which now makes it to where ALL classes have a way to move out of a situation quickly. But you're also talking about a situation that has a small chance of happening: Sniper pops Plasma Probe on 4 People (Example), 4 people move out of AoE, Sniper reapplies Plasma Probe based on a targeted player, Probe only affects those who went the same way. If any smart player saw a spammable AoE in the middle of their group and had to move out to evade it, would you move with the group or away from knowing that it will be reapplied? If it is reapplied, it'll affect a smaller percentage of the players that were originally affected. Engineer is "the best team ranked DPS spec?" You're kidding right? All of its damage comes from Explosive Charge > Series of Shots, which even then you'd be lucky to down +40%, which will be healed easily in team ranked. (Fluff damage - damage that just stacks... if you fought a healer for 10 minutes in a WZ, but never killed them, you're the greatest DPS now because you've done so much damage to that one healer, but you never killed them neither have you helped your team playing the objective on the opposite side of the map). And... engineering is the best DPS spec... you wanna talk about Damage potential? Lethality Operatives and Virulence Snipers can out parse Engineering easily in PvE, (yeah they may be top 3 in PvE, but PvP it's a different story). If you can't kill a target, you're damage means nothing in team ranked because it'll get healed right up back to full. "OMG I did 2.5mill damage in 2 rounds, I'm the best Sniper ever and Engineering is top DPS spec!" LOL, give me a break please. Leaderboards mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Ever play an MMO that requires skill? Your damage out means nothing if you can't beat the content. Your damage out means nothing if you can't kill a player or win the match. Oh and for the record, Engineering is NOT the best single target and AoE DPS spec. If any of the Sniper specs are, it's Virulence, where you can actually DoT ALL of the players at once and deal damage to all of them without having to spam an ability that uses 20+ energy each time for lackluster damage and fluff damage. And Sotmax, you maining a class at 3.0 means and I'm assuming that you shelved it afterwards, that you haven't played the spec in over two and a half years. Many things can change :D


My friend i do agree on some of you said and for sure i can avoid aoe prob, but spamming it here and ther is just crazy. A 5-8sec cd would be nice. I know a lot of things changed but this doesn't mean that i 'm not playing my sling at all.TBH i really feel sry for all melee classes especially juggs and guards that struggle to move out of it(if their combat focus/rage is on cd).

Any way i agree but not of not having a cd...

Edited by Sotmax
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The slow should definitely be removed. Spamable CC shouldn't be in the game. The game is already heavy on CC.


This along with Electro-Net should be nerfed. They should either remove the DOT from electro-net or preferably remove the ability impairing effect.


I main a mando and electro net must be affected at least by resolve bar.

As for snipers....hardest of all is that they are 5m more range than all rangers and their stuns are form 35m...only on them. Not to mention no interupts,leaps etc.

Game is Range Wars these times and completely unbalanced for melee classes.

Remind me when sorcs was the gods and you couldnt pass a double storm in hutball..

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