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Log in issues + server problems


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Yesterday and today I've had trouble logging in. I get the message that the login service is not available then if it does let me log in and I get in-game I will have extreme trouble getting onto the server and then staying on said server. It has issues with error or no message at all but booted to server selection. Lag has also ben a major issue which prior to yesterday was NEVER an issue. I've checked my connection, Internet protection and the like for anything that may be on my end causing issues but nothing comes up as different than it should be. Anyone else having this issue or...?
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Make a new post at EA Answers HQ and grab http://www.pingplotter.com and set it to the server when this is occuring, graph the ping plot , save it as a jpg and insert into a post in that thread.


If you play on an East Coast server:

If you play on a West Coast server:

If you play on a European server:

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