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Suggestion ( Looks )


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Hello star wars fans and SWTOR,


Im here to suggest some things i whas thinking about to make some classes look cooler and very fun to see.

So what i whas thinking about whas, all the jedi fore skills and sith skills are all blue or red, like saber ward.

What about we change the collor to the collor that the jedi / sith's crystal that he is wearing in his sabre for example.

A jedi that has a green crystal in his lightsabre will get a green collor around him when he uses saber ward, or other skills.


Now we all got ALLOT of diffrent sets of gear and looks etc, but what about the old jedi robes ?


Like this one.


I would also like to see a bit more OPEN world pvp, i know there are places where u can go and kill other people where you get instant in pvp mode where actualy noone really goes, so I suggest to remove pve/pvp split map, like if u wanna pvp open world that pve players also can see it instead of having 2 maps where the pvp / pve players are splitted into other instances, and make jedi able to go to koriban and sith able to go to Corusant.


These are my suggestions to make SWTOR look a bit more EPIC and fun looking.

What do you think about this and share your idea's about the suggestions.



Narduk Ott'kuray

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