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I will unsub because of lag spikes :(


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After 2 months that I cannot play after 17:00 (Italy) because of lag spikes (and after 20:00 I can't login) I will unsub. I have no issues with CXP or Ops or anything else, simply I can't login after a certain hour.

My connection is perfect, I play also to GW2, the Division, TESO and I have no problem at all...

And I know I'm not the only one with this issue.

I hope something will change :)

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Are you absolutely certain that your isp has no issue? After 20:00 that's when internet slows here because of too many people connecting to it. Try running some tests when you have a problem. Some games react differently to isp isues. I believed I was getting constant dropouts. I tried GSF and would lag into oblivion. I'd run a speed test and no problems. The game would reconnect and all would be well for 5 mins. Finally! A speed test confirmed the issue. So we called the isp. They told us our internet was dropping put about 12 times so far but for only a few seconds to a minute. This was what was causing the lag. Have you tried running ping plotter and all of that to solve your issue?


I've had zero lag issues. I mean maybe there's a problem with your server but my bet is on your Internet being the issue.

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I'm having a similar issue. It's been happening on and off for well over a year now. My server lag will be around 40-45 ms, then it'll shoot into the thousands and just keep climbing. Or sometimes it'll get really high and then go back to normal. I can play any other online game perfectly fine which makes it even more confusing. Sometimes I can play for hours without it happening and then other times it'll happen every 20 mins or so. I'm on the Red Eclipse server and connecting from the UK. I've heard quite a few people from the UK have the same issue, as well as other places in Europe.
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If you want help then you need to do the tests. Forum search or Google search or ask Owen to help yout troubleshoot it. There are tests that can determine if it's you or the server.


It's the server. I am even willing to bet it has something to do with that steaming piece of **** known only as TeliaSonera AB.

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Grab http://www.pingplotter.com and set it to the server when playing , graph when this occurs and save it as a jpg and insert the jpg into a post at EA Answers HQ and will take a look and see if can see anything amiss


If you play on an East Coast server:

If you play on a West Coast server:

If you play on a European server:

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These are my results. I'm not too good with the networking side of things. Can someone tell me if there's an issue here? This was taken while playing the game. Cheers people.


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]

© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.




Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops


1 6 ms 4 ms 7 ms

2 * * * Request timed out.

3 16 ms 14 ms 13 ms

4 16 ms 15 ms 14 ms

5 14 ms 13 ms 14 ms core1-hu0-0-0-1.colindale.ukcore.bt.net []

6 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms core3-hu0-8-0-0.faraday.ukcore.bt.net []

7 14 ms 17 ms 14 ms

8 14 ms 13 ms 14 ms ldn-b3-link.telia.net []

9 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms ldn-bb2-link.telia.net []

10 24 ms 31 ms 34 ms dln-b1-link.telia.net []

11 31 ms 31 ms 28 ms bioware-ic-147166-dln-b3.c.telia.net []

12 30 ms 25 ms 28 ms

13 32 ms 28 ms 28 ms


Trace complete.

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Tracert is a snapshot so if something occurs a second after its missed it , use pingplotter and post it at EA Answers HQ , bug report forum is for listing in game bugs.


now saying that only thing I can see is the modem/router timings are a lot higher then would usually like to see , if wireless connect wired and see initially.


1 6 ms 4 ms 7 ms


Most modem/routers timings should be around (modem/router firewall can affect timings)

Wireless 1 - 3 ms average

Wired 0 - 1 ms average


My tracert example from my system over wireless in spoiler , average is 2 ms



>tracert google.com


Tracing route to google.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms router.asus.com []

2 5 ms 4 ms 5 ms lo0.bng1.syd7.on.ii.net []

3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms ae7.cr1.syd7.on.ii.net []

4 5 ms 5 ms 6 ms ae5.br1.syd7.on.ii.net []

5 6 ms 5 ms 5 ms gw.google.com []

6 5 ms 6 ms 5 ms

7 5 ms 4 ms 5 ms

8 5 ms 6 ms 5 ms syd09s13-in-f14.1e100.net []


Trace complete.


Edited by OwenBrooks
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Having same issues last 2-3 days. Especislly on afternoon's.


I would go ahead and grab ping plotter as Owenbrooks stated above and post in the EA HQ page in order to help determine the cause. Unfortunately as it sits there are just too many variables on what the cause would be without that information.

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I would go ahead and grab ping plotter as Owenbrooks stated above and post in the EA HQ page in order to help determine the cause. Unfortunately as it sits there are just too many variables on what the cause would be without that information.


There is no need to grab any Ping plotter, since I've never had any lag / ms issues with the game. The issue occurs last 3 days. I got 50 MBp's connection and I have contacted my Internet Provider since day 1. I've even run speedtests the same time that I am getting DC or 3k ms lag spike and the speedtest shows that I am on 16 MS. It has nothing to do with my connection, at least no with mine. Clearly Server's problem.


P.S. Might be the location? The guy created the Thread is from Italy, and I am really close from Greece. Still that doesn't explains it.

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There is no need to grab any Ping plotter, since I've never had any lag / ms issues with the game. The issue occurs last 3 days. I got 50 MBp's connection and I have contacted my Internet Provider since day 1. I've even run speedtests the same time that I am getting DC or 3k ms lag spike and the speedtest shows that I am on 16 MS. It has nothing to do with my connection, at least no with mine. Clearly Server's problem.


P.S. Might be the location? The guy created the Thread is from Italy, and I am really close from Greece. Still that doesn't explains it.


It's not a direct connection between your ISP and BW Servers. Every connection on the internet always travels a patch of network servers before it gets to it's destination. Just because your ISP is not having an issue doesn't mean it's on BW end. That is the point of using ping plotter, it maps the connection over a period of time and records where there are spkes or issues on the network.


Again it may not be your ISP or BW servers but a connection in between and the only way to tell is to use something like ping plotter. Things like a traceroute only capture that specific moment like a snapshot not a continuous time frame.


If the person wants to see what is causing the the issue they can do that if they want. If your having an issue and don't want to test with ping plotter that's your choice but there far more involved then just your ISP or BW Servers.


You can even go to their website and look at the bottom that shows the difference between a trace route shows and what pingplotter shows: https://www.pingplotter.com/


There is a difference.

Edited by Nightblazer
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P.S. Might be the location? The guy created the Thread is from Italy, and I am really close from Greece. Still that doesn't explains it.


The only significant issue in your region that I am aware of that occurred in the last 3 days is http://subseaexplorer.net/asn-marine-to-repair-glo-1-subsea-cable/ all that traffic will now be getting re-routed over other paths.


Speedtests are very poor in showing an issue that would affect a MMO , pingplotter is better as it can graph over time and is more for quality of timings then just throughput


Try the free trial of http://www.wtfast.com it may give some breathing space to see if this resolves over the next few weeks

Edited by OwenBrooks
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