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Tone Down DS Facial Features


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I shouldn't be looking like Palpatine at level II. Almost frightened to know what level V is like. :eek: Could we just have like the red eyes for the first two levels? Then get into the gross purply veins and ashen white/black skin later?

The bleaching of your skin colour is progressive as your Dark rank gets higher, except for Rattataki, whose body skin is uniformly white at all levels of Dark rank. Dark V characters will look bleached-out all-over no matter what their base skin colour. You dialled up the darkest human skin colour? No matter, at Dark V, you'll be chalk-white.


DS corruption affects progressively more and more of the face as you rank up.


Dark I is unique in that the eyes are a sort of luminous orange, with no noticeable effect on the colour of anything else.


From Dark II onwards, your character's eyes go that luminous red colour that's actually lore-incompatible.

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