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Companion romance in 5.2


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I agree!! I would love to see us being able to marry Theron/Lana and have more than what we saw with the class stories and have more dialogue between them afterwards.


Probably not until we get our other companions back but with the I love you rates I'm thinking that it would really hurt Theron/ Lana to break up now. I hope they do invest more time in the relationship not just marry and it's done.

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Probably not until we get our other companions back but with the I love you rates I'm thinking that it would really hurt Theron/ Lana to break up now. I hope they do invest more time in the relationship not just marry and it's done.


Yeah I wouldn't want a wedding or engagement to be the end of their interactions like with the class stories either :(

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I feel that BW really missed the boat on romances in KOTFE/KOTET.,.etc...or at least missed a great opportunity to really open up romance possibilities. Why not allow 'cross class' romances with returning companions. Certainly a Smuggler might take an interest in Vette or Gault. Wouldn't the BH possibly have an interest in Kaliyo or Akaavi if/when she comes back? I could see my JC taking an interest in Elara.


Maybe those kinds of romances don't have to be a part of the main story, but as side story interludes like they were in the legacy stories. That way our characters could really romance whoever they really felt attracted to. It seems like a waste of the voice actor talent for Elara to only be romanced by a male trooper,. If they were going to pay the voice actors for Elara/Quinn and other companions, why not have the voice actors record a few more lines for romantic interlude possibilities. Lana is fine for sure, but given that she has no customization options, it feels a bit forced and limiting.


Wouldn't the Vette/Torian choice in KOTET have had more weight if your character had been able to romance them?




Edited by AndorianTJ
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I feel that BW really missed the boat on romances in KOTFE/KOTET.,.etc...or at least missed a great opportunity to really open up romance possibilities. Why not allow 'cross class' romances with returning companions. Certainly a Smuggler might take an interest in Vette or Gault. Wouldn't the BH possibly have an interest in Kaliyo or Akaavi if/when she comes back? I could see my JC taking an interest in Elara.


Maybe those kinds of romances don't have to be a part of the main story, but as side story interludes like they were in the legacy stories. That way our characters could really romance whoever they really felt attracted to. It seems like a waste of the voice actor talent for Elara to only be romanced by a male trooper,. If they were going to pay the voice actors for Elara/Quinn and other companions, why not have the voice actors record a few more lines for romantic interlude possibilities. Lana is fine for sure, but given that she has no customization options, it feels a bit forced and limiting.


Wouldn't the Vette/Torian choice in KOTET have had more weight if your character had been able to romance them?





I agree they have missed the boat on the romancing of Theron and Lana. I hope they bring more of it back like they had in the Legacy and add more after you say 'I do". I also hope that they remain your romance partner after the traitor is discovered, that would really hurt if they don't.


Yes, I could see instigating romances between your crew members.


Good Luck

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... I hope they do invest more time in the relationship not just marry and it's done.

So this is why the writers (or whoever controls the story-line, it might be some boss who doesn't write anything) are single IRL. Seriously, once you have entered a relationship with someone, you NEVER flirt with them again?!?


That's a recipe for becoming single again.


You get 1 to 3 emails in the near future, but that's it. <Quest over> according to the game. After that is nothing except for reunion dialogues that don't make a lot of sense. (seriously when my light side warrior first saw Vette, he would have used the force to pull her close and grabbed on to her, refusing to let go. He had be frozen in carbonite so time to him was warped - it isn't like his feelings had time to wane. Her reactions to that could have been a powerful scene... but we got the same old, same old.)


BW is known for great writing, but they really drop the ball on this. It shouldn't be too hard to have things continue either. Just have periodic "romance breaks" in the story line every so often. Whoever is flagged as your romantic interest and you have a scene together where you talk about stuff, go on a date, have a fight/make up, etc. This would serve so many purposes but that's a lot of scenes to "shoot", so I am sure that's why they don't. They could even have fun scenes for those character who aren't in a relationship, perhaps a chance to start one with a character that they regret having not romanced in the past... so many possibilities.

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