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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5 games in and I feel like quitting pvp


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1 or 2 mercs are fine and easy to handle. It really sucks when there are 6 of them on the other team getting healed by two healers. As a melee you want to slit your wrists...getting hit for 20k a pop from range and having to fight through 3 major DCDs along with self healers and healers healing. You go after the healers and you get electronet city; on top of that you're knocked around and getting pinged by rockets and rail shots only to have a healer bubble on you.


Had a couple of 18-20 death games running solo queue.


It's merc madness right now.


I mean...look at this crap :)




I can't imagine a new player going up against this crap. :eek::eek::)

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Snipers are worse on JC. Just had a match where it was a merc, 5-6 snipers, and a sorc healer lol.


There is hell for my Mara and it's that.



1 or 2 mercs are fine and easy to handle. It really sucks when there are 6 of them on the other team getting healed by two healers. As a melee you want to slit your wrists...getting hit for 20k a pop from range and having to fight through 3 major DCDs along with self healers and healers healing. You go after the healers and you get electronet city; on top of that you're knocked around and getting pinged by rockets and rail shots only to have a healer bubble on you.


Had a couple of 18-20 death games running solo queue.


It's merc madness right now.


I mean...look at this crap :)




I can't imagine a new player going up against this crap. :eek::eek::)


That is... I don't get the appeal of a FOTM class, I really don't. I play the classes in PvP I enjoy and that's just... at the height of 4.0, I don't remember there being that many Sorcs. Then again, while the DPS was halfway decent- people didn't realize it was the Corruption Sorcerer that was the Immortal 'I win' button. Killing one during 4.0 remains one of my most beloved achievements.

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Take some advice. Roll a Merc, learn how to play the class properly, not just face tank like noobs do. Then you'll be able to anticipate what they are going to do and know how to counter them.


If you are getting smashed by Mercs, then maybe they are just better players and it wouldn't matter what class they were on.

Any over tuned class, wether it's a small or large over tuned one, will seem extremely OP in the hands of people who really know how to play the class and are good.

Most of the really good Mercs at the moment are ones that learned to play them properly before 5.0 and probably main them.


So I suggest you look inwards to discover the real reason you think they are so OP as to ruin the game. I'm pretty sure it's a L2 improve your skill level issue.

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