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246 galactic command crates later .....


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Made GC260 last night. 80 worthless Tier3 crates.


The bonus is working, crap is flowing faster, 9 GC levels tonight, 9 additional crates, 0 242's. I heave a dejected sigh every time I click OPEN, my wife hears from the other room, "Crate of Crap?", she asks. "Yup, now 89 worthless crates."


Why did I keep playing? Honestly it's probably just inertia at this point, it sure isn't enjoyment.

Edited by AmadanNaBrona
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The bonus is working, crap is flowing faster, 9 GC levels tonight, 9 additional crates, 0 242's. I heave a dejected sigh every time I click OPEN, my wife hears from the other room, "Crate of Crap?", she asks. "Yup, now 89 worthless crates."


Why did I keep playing? Honestly it's probably just inertia at this point, it sure isn't enjoyment.


7 more Crates of Crap.

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Yeah, the CXP goes much faster now and we get the crap crates more often, but we still have the same crap in them. Drops that are worth keeping are rare, set piece bonus stuff of gold quality is extremely rare, and the majority of stuff we get is garbage that is instantly decompiled. The rage over how long it takes to get through CXP levels into the next tiers now shifts to the more pressing failure of CXP that has always existed: drop rates, lack of good gear and items, and horrible CXP earned when we trash the crap in the crates.


The changes with Command Tokens and unassembled tokens helps, but not enough given the immense damage you're done to your game, BW. Look at how much the forum activity has died down. Even negative activity shows there are people who care. Reduced posting, aka apathy, is a very bad sign.

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Full disclosure, I actually got a set piece last night, and it was even one I didn't have. So it broke a 25 crate total disintegration streak (which was preceeded by a 35 crate total disintegration streak).


The sad thing is, it wasn't even Exciting! at this point. It was more like "oh look, a set piece." Not complaining, of course.


Really looking forward to 5.1.2 to bring back reasonable gearing.

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7 more Crates of Crap.


With the family having nothing going on tonight and the CXP bonus being on chapters, I raced home from work and ran KotFE Chap2. Ran it like 45 times, in a little over 8 hours, scrapping every bit of Crap along the way. Gained 24 GC levels and hit GC300!!!


Not one stinking 242 item in 120 tier3 crates. This system SUX!!!!!

Edited by AmadanNaBrona
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I got a 242 Legendary Gold Relic on a DPS character today at 210 rank; my first Gold.


It increases Alacrity.


On Use.


I got that relic like three damn times on my Scoundrel, and twice on my Sentinel. Still don't have the ones I actually need for my Sentinel or any other toon beyond my Scoundrel. I think the non-BiS slot relics have a much higher drop rates than the relics people actually USE. I'm guessing because Ben Irving thinks making useful items far less common than useless ones is even MORE EXCITING!!!!!

Edited by AscendingSky
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Sorry man. I wish this story were uncommon but people have posted several similar examples. Galactic Command is simply backwards, at least until 5.1.2.



Other than the increased UC drops from PvP (only :mad:) I don't see how this is going to "fix" anything. All it does is make certain activities spew more CXP. If you're not getting anything good from the boosted rate now, 5.1.2 isn't going to make a lick of difference unless you PvP.

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Other than the increased UC drops from PvP (only :mad:) I don't see how this is going to "fix" anything. All it does is make certain activities spew more CXP. If you're not getting anything good from the boosted rate now, 5.1.2 isn't going to make a lick of difference unless you PvP.


Well, yes, PvP is basically all I do, hence my opinion there :)


The upcoming binding of components to legacy is good too.


I had this suggestion to help with PvE, pile on more if you like it. Because you're right, even after 5.1.2, normal PvE folks will still be out in the cold in a gearing system that is exactly backwards.

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later....and still have only seen 3 gold items from them a 236 wrist a 242 main hand and a 236 relic


by this rate ill have a full set of 242 gear by time im command rank 21287463210643509174659431754319857


the additions to pvp and ops are okishhhh but jeesh by time i get a full min maxed set 8.0 will be out and it will be all for nothing lol


Thanks for trying something new, its a cool idea but still needs tonnes of improvements




Thats literally the point. To keep you playing. lol Your not supposed to chase the legendary pieces. They are the carrot and the end of a stick that you can never reach. The smart man gets full 240 and plays another toon.

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Well, yes, PvP is basically all I do, hence my opinion there :)

As Austin has proven year after year, you can't leave any of your core niches broken. It's great that PvP is getting thrown a bone but everything else is in a shambles. Sorry to say but much like story, PvP alone cannot carry this game. Same for Ops and lolUprisings. Right now everything feels like a chore and that just sucks the fun out of playing.


The upcoming binding of components to legacy is good too.

I re-skimmed the 5.1.2 features post and didn't seen any mention of that, just a vague promise to do something regarding legacy. Maybe you're thinking of the 5.1.1 change that made the CXP booster drops from PvE content legacy bound? That's about as effective as the 3.5x CXP rate change.


The smart man gets full 240 and plays another toon.

Efficient, maybe. Desperate likely. Smart? Lol. Smart would be to stop throwing money at EA until TOR delivers a real fix instead of vague promises and ineffective tweaks designed to keep this disaster of an idea afloat.

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So, I'm halfway through Tier 2 (@level 137 to be exact) on my main. I have exactly one single piece of Tier 2 gear - a relic (SA). To be extra frustrating, I had a purple relic (SA) drop then in next box or two after I claimed it, the gold relic (SA) dropped.


It is going to be sad to say goodbye to SWTOR, but not gonna spend good money for this junk.

Edited by Ryenke
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I re-skimmed the 5.1.2 features post and didn't seen any mention of that, just a vague promise to do something regarding legacy. Maybe you're thinking of the 5.1.1 change that made the CXP booster drops from PvE content legacy bound? That's about as effective as the 3.5x CXP rate change.


Nah, I was referring to the "In the future:" comment about making components legacy-bound.

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