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More Class-specific stories, more development with original companions.


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I wanted to say that I'm loving the new missions and storylines, the story missions are what I play the game for (no interest in PvP, starfighter etc). The chance to be a part of the Star Wars story.


I've come to the end of my Imperial Agent's storyline, and am playing through the class stories of other characters, with great enjoyment. I love the different viewpoints that give on the events in the galaxy.


What I'd really like to see is a further set of class-specific storylines, with further development of the relationships with the original Companions that form your crew. For the Imperial Agent for example, the mission to re-form Imperial Intelligence as a shadow agency with your character as Keeper would be an awesome story to play out.


I know you're working on all sorts of different ideas in your expansions, please consider advanced class storylines in the future.


Kind Regards,



P.S. Vector Hyllus as a revisited companion would make me very happy.

Edited by Shairlyn
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Not gonna happen. We've been asking for this since Rise of the Hutt Cartel and so far, after vanilla SWTOR we've gone from:


SWTOR - 8 separate class stories


Rise of the Hutt Cartel - 2 faction specific stories


Shadow of Revan - 1 dual faction story (notice the drastic decline?)


Knights of the Fallen Empire - The Outlander story, we no longer work for our chosen faction.


Knights of the Eternal Throne - KotFE continued.


Granted, there were very small nods back to your class story in SoR and again in KotFE, but sadly... we are never going to see our class stories continue separately again. The game doesn't have the funding for it.

Edited by Darth-Rion
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