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Merc Arsenal Spec, growing weaker as I level up (lvl33)


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The further i level, the weaker this class gets - even with all blue/epic equipment im having a harder time. I specced abit into the healing tree to try to heal a bit in battles but it wont really help.


In my mid 20 i was able to solo 2* heroics just fine, now im having a hard time and it takes 2-3 tries to take out the champion (40k health) at the end of these, sometimes i just give up. This is for quests 3 level below me !


Also im taking alot more damage now, even on normal mobs - i rotated between mika and Gault but it does not make much of a difference. I prefer Gault currently tho


My primary DPS - tracer missle does not level up at all - its the same damage as 10 levels ago - whats up with that? Where is TM II or III ?


Then my guild buddies who have specced into powertech and are in their low 40, tell me they still have no issues soloing champions of their own level- the merc specialisation isnt as fun as it used to be, i guess

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I switched from arsenal to bodyguard @ 35 I had the oposite reaction you did -- zero issues soloring. In fact, it was rediculous how much damage and uptime I had.


Tracer missile w/ full stacks, railshot, unload. Mako is healbot and CC (bind it to a hot key, it helps). I only dropped a heal on myself in emergencies -- venting regains 7%, medpacks are there for backup, and kolto overload for a nice boost every 3 minutes. I've died once in 20 levels, which was me driving around a corner into a pack of 2 silvers 3 regular and 1 elite mob. I lasted a long time before the elite finally broke CC at a bad time and killed me. Mako n' me would run 2-man heroics w/o issue all day long.



...now I'm back to pure healing w/ less offensive capabilities. I dunno, it's the same boat with a tradeoff of having a dps pet out vs. heal pet. I'm still tanking, but now I heal myself rather than pure pew-pew. Not sure which one I like more, but I ultimately will heal end game so it's at least useful to get the rotation down solid.

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Seems you are confusing the class getting weaker with how mobs get tougher at the 30ish range.


This, it's not the class and was an issue for many in beta when they hit their 30's. I was still face rolling though but not as fast as earlier levels.

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I have yet to run into any of the issues the OP is currently having, I'm the same level and use an arsenal build. The fights have started to take about 30-90 seconds longer, but otherwise it's still a keep running and gunning fest for me.


Keeping gear up to date would be the suggestion someone else mentioned I would first endorse. Second would be to keep using Mako as your active companion.


I'm an armormech and I keep my belt and gloves as up to date as possible with self-crafted 3rd stage items with an augment slot. If you're using any orange items, always update the armoring modification first as this affects the item's actual armor rating. For your guns, barrel first, that's what controls the damage. Before leaving a planet, make sure you've updated your barrel and armor mods with the best you can get from the mod accomodations vendors before you leave for your next planet if you aren't able to produce your own mods.


After Aim and Endurance, I tend to go for Crit and Surge as the stats I want as the arsenal tree benefits from these two stats in procing heat reduction and providing better critical damage. At level 33 you increase your critical damage multiplier by a little over 1% for every 4 points of surge rating you stack.


If you haven't been using concussion missile and your 4 second stun, start using them, and be careful using any missile or ability that can hit multiple targets.

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What is the best leveling spec for a merc?


If I'm not mistaken, a lot of us use the Arsenal Tree.


This is what I use at 33, which works very well for me. Lots of Tracer shot spamming:



The heat reduction procs are based on crit, so keep that in mind if you choose the arsenal build. I like surge to go with my +crit, a little bit goes a long way. 4 points of Surge is a little more than 1% critical damage multiplier at level 33.

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