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Pvp Quitters


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It is bad. We were evenly matched on alderaan. Game was about 1 min in when people started quitting. We lost about 4 people in the first 2 mins and we weren't even losing. Of course being short for a spell is super challenging. I'd understand it if it was quesh huttball but alderaan?


People are lazy. I've entered plenty of warzones straight into a win... or people quit the second it looks bad. I hate being down- it's challenging to win, especially if you have a team with bots in it. Some people like easy wins and if it looks like they have to work for it?

:t_confused: ... perish the thought!

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It is bad. We were evenly matched on alderaan. Game was about 1 min in when people started quitting. We lost about 4 people in the first 2 mins and we weren't even losing. Of course being short for a spell is super challenging. I'd understand it if it was quesh huttball but alderaan?


It is super annoying and BW need to put a debuff on the quitters. The earlier in the match you quit, the longer the debuff. I'm seeing a lot of ppl quitting before the matches have even started. Either its a slow warzone (ACW) or they see a few team members not in optimal gear.


It disgusts me that people quit if it is not a guaranteed win. It is so unfair on the other players to leave them handicapped before the game even starts. It is pure selfishness, they believe their time is more important than anyone else's.

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There was so much quitting in an arena I was in today that it broke it. Literally.


When I entered there were three on my team and four on the other. Then all four of the other team quit. Then all of my team quit except me. Then three people joined on my team so we were full, but the other side was empty. Then the Giradda timer started.


The match began with no one on the scoreboard for the other side - except there were four players there in the arena. At least I *think* there were only four. And that's when I noticed that the three people in the arena with me on my team were NOT the ones on the scoreboard.




The "Umm..." "lolwut?" "wt actual f" messages in general started around then. From both teams.


We ended up playing it out. No idea how many were on each side in the end. I think just four. We won one, they won two, final scoreboard had like 20 people on it, none of which had points from the other team.


I am betting we all backed away from the machine for a while after that.

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as long as arenas and warzones are mixed in with eachother i can't support a quitters penalty.


Why not? Half the reason people quit is because it's not a quick arena and they don't want to play for 15 mins to get their quick cxp. Bad luck, either play what you are given or play ranked.

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Why not? Half the reason people quit is because it's not a quick arena and they don't want to play for 15 mins to get their quick cxp. Bad luck, either play what you are given or play ranked.


because i don't enjoy arenas and refuse to play them. if i wanted arena play this is not the game i'd pick.

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People with pathetic attitudes, you can find them everywhere, in virtual and real worlds. Suckers of the worst kind character wise. Btw, there are also quite a lot people who stand around in hidden places leaching cxp with no effort. Saw that many times. I consider these people scum but can't do anything about it sadly.
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I really hate pvp from the button of my heart. I never pvped in all those years (except for these alliance alerts) and I was happy that there was no need for me to pvp. But this has changed with the introduction of Galactic Command.


Usually I played hardmode flashpoints all day but this isn't working anymore. The rewards for pvp (super good cxp per time spend + unassembled components) are too superior compared with all the other contents. Too many players have adapted to this situation and stoped queuing for hm flashpoints, which results in longer waiting times than ever before...though it's understandable and I can't blame anyone who stoped queuing for hm fps and mainly only queues for pvp now.


So I found my self having a choice: still ignoring pvp and waiting hours for a hm fp queue pop-up, while standing on fleet and doing nothing or just doing pvp, having almost instant pops and having nothing to loose.

Well here I am...still hating pvp but doing warzones all day long since there is just no equally rewarding alternative.

I want to have good gear, since I always had it and it's important to me to enjoy the rest of game and the super rare hm fps I am still doing.


But sorry I couldnt care less if I win or loose a warzone (ok those unassambled components now made wins more rewarding) but still I really hate this shet and I am only pvping since the game kinda leaves no alternative for me.

These 8 vs 8 warzones are halfway bearable but if I get a 4 vs 4 arena I instantly leave. I just can't get over my self and do this mostly unfair (1 team always seems to be extreme superior) slaughtering.


I totally understand that this sucks for other players but if I really had a choice I wouldn't pvp at all.

Unfortunately I don`t have that choice if I want to progress in a reasonable timeframe (cxp + unassembled components).

Edited by Avianatorsparkma
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I leave reg arenas because their rewards are so dreadful. Can't wait to get off loading screen so I can simply exit the warzone and find something that will give decent rewards. I realize that CXP is still pretty much the same, but considering how dreadful my luck has been with gear from command crates, I'm after the unassembled components. I've actually gotten more gear with unassembled components in the last week than I have with my 200+ GC levels previously. Arenas, win or lose give less, so I have no desire to be there.
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I'm a new PvPer thanks to Galactic Command. I'm really bad at it but I try not to despair and just enjoy it. I will never understand rage quitting when losing... the CXP rewards are still very nice...


If I have to leave in the middle of a match I always say the reason in the chat and ask for forgiveness. I don't know about you guys, but I am incapable of playing while talking in the phone :rak_01:

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Bwahahaha. Some rager was name calling us in a lost 4v4. Entered next WZ novarre coast and they rage quit out of it after a min but we won and we're winning the whole time.. lotsa missed cxp. Their loss. :p


We had someone quit first round when we stalled in Voidstar after the first door (I can't believe I got to plant that- they were so bad) and got to hit great heal numbers and win holding at first door second round. I love playing PvP cockroach- it's awesome and fortunately, there were some even gear numbers on the other team so I wasn't trying to outheal massive strikes. Also helps when DPS come and help you. I love tanks as a healer but a DPS that kills an enemy attempting to kill me and fast- you are my new best friend. ;)


I'm a new PvPer thanks to Galactic Command. I'm really bad at it but I try not to despair and just enjoy it. I will never understand rage quitting when losing... the CXP rewards are still very nice...


If I have to leave in the middle of a match I always say the reason in the chat and ask for forgiveness. I don't know about you guys, but I am incapable of playing while talking in the phone :rak_01:


I got into PvP because it was a Conquest goal for my guild. I now hit Conquest by accident mostly and I'm always trying- even losing as there's often a turnaround as long as people don't give up. PvP grows on you, it does. I understand the phone thing- much smarter than when I'm trying to make my morning coffee, get ready for work and a warzone dings.



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We had someone quit first round when we stalled in Voidstar after the first door (I can't believe I got to plant that- they were so bad) and got to hit great heal numbers and win holding at first door second round. I love playing PvP cockroach- it's awesome and fortunately, there were some even gear numbers on the other team so I wasn't trying to outheal massive strikes. Also helps when DPS come and help you. I love tanks as a healer but a DPS that kills an enemy attempting to kill me and fast- you are my new best friend. ;)




I got into PvP because it was a Conquest goal for my guild. I now hit Conquest by accident mostly and I'm always trying- even losing as there's often a turnaround as long as people don't give up. PvP grows on you, it does. I understand the phone thing- much smarter than when I'm trying to make my morning coffee, get ready for work and a warzone dings.




I think I was in that WZ if you're on harb and it was pub side. I know because I came in end of the first round.


I always try to protect healers. I may not be geared or super strong but I'll attack, stun, whatever I need to do to try to keep enemies off of healers. My operative was a healer so I know how it sucks to die alot when you don't have protection but when you do protect healers, the game is amazing.

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It's always the bads that squawk the loudest.


This! Our team was told we suck in way more words than that. The team that won sucked too apparently. The person saw us in 2 WZ after and rage quit outta them immediately. Next round they were on the opposing team. Whether the person was too focused on trying to kill me or they just really suck I dunno . They stuck around because it looked like their team would win until 3 goals at the very end. They were right near the bottom. Low dmg, low medals. Too busy chasing me to play the game I guess. I know they stayed as they attacked me again at the end. No one rage quit on our team. It was nice. Team work paid off. I was so darn proud of our Hail Mary ending.

Edited by americanaussie
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I think I was in that WZ if you're on harb and it was pub side. I know because I came in end of the first round.


I always try to protect healers. I may not be geared or super strong but I'll attack, stun, whatever I need to do to try to keep enemies off of healers. My operative was a healer so I know how it sucks to die alot when you don't have protection but when you do protect healers, the game is amazing.


Probably and their loss is your gain. I'm on Harbinger and she's Republic side... the quits were stupid because we had several healers which meant we as a heal group could keep our team up at the doors and we did. We do die constantly when we're unprotected- I try helping everybody but it gets irritating when you heal save someone from near death against one person and they run like mad, leaving you with an enemy ticked you stole his kill.


That match was fun, more or less. When I get into a rhythm, it's hard to kill me and I was in my shiny happy place... the RNG was not with me for the Command Crate opening though. The daily crate had a VMC and the Command Crate just had more garbage.


Sawbones Scoundrels at least get to stealth as well (like Operatives) so we do get that escape. Always appreciate help and the two DPS on the door with me were super helpful. They did not dart off in every direction- allowing me to group heal them and switch quickly... the enemies kind of gave up on our door near the end.

Edited by AllisonLightning
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Probably and their loss is your gain. I'm on Harbinger and she's Republic side... the quits were stupid because we had several healers which meant we as a heal group could keep our team up at the doors and we did. We do die constantly when we're unprotected- I try helping everybody but it gets irritating when you heal save someone from near death against one person and they run like mad, leaving you with an enemy ticked you stole his kill.


That match was fun, more or less. When I get into a rhythm, it's hard to kill me and I was in my shiny happy place... the RNG was not with me for the Command Crate opening though. The daily crate had a VMC and the Command Crate just had more garbage.


Sawbones Scoundrels at least get to stealth as well (like Operatives) so we do get that escape. Always appreciate help and the two DPS on the door with me were super helpful. They did not dart off in every direction- allowing me to group heal them and switch quickly... the enemies kind of gave up on our door near the end.


Yep. That was it. You did a stellar job. The team did too. I think I mvp'd you. :D

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Yep. That was it. You did a stellar job. The team did too. I think I mvp'd you. :D


Thanks- I think I mvp'd the sent who was on the door with me. I tend to try and recognize mara/sents- especially as someone who mains one because I know that they don't get as many votes. I get quite a few on my main for someone who doesn't DPS farm (it gets crazy when I have the highest kill and lowest DPS of my brethren)... I think because I'm such an objective minded player.


It makes it hard when I'm on my healer because, don't pay attention to objectives- you suck and you do and you're not healing- you need to be healing me NOW! lol

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because i don't enjoy arenas and refuse to play them. if i wanted arena play this is not the game i'd pick.


Then you need to suffer a significant quitters penalty for mucking it up for everyone else. It has to be all quitters, no exemptions for WZ types that you personally don't like.


Play or get a significant debuff. It should be a damage debuff, too, not a timer debuff. I'd say that goes for Flashpoints as well... when players get huffy because they are called on Leroying or NEEDing on everything and leave, they should have a damage debuff for 30 minutes in all content. Call it an "Inconvenience Tax" for inconveniencing everyone else.

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Thanks- I think I mvp'd the sent who was on the door with me. I tend to try and recognize mara/sents- especially as someone who mains one because I know that they don't get as many votes. I get quite a few on my main for someone who doesn't DPS farm (it gets crazy when I have the highest kill and lowest DPS of my brethren)... I think because I'm such an objective minded player.


It makes it hard when I'm on my healer because, don't pay attention to objectives- you suck and you do and you're not healing- you need to be healing me NOW! lol


Yep that was me :D thank you kindly. And I know exactly what you mean about healers. It's certainlydifficult and sometimes not very fun depending on protection levels and if you get am annoying bullseye symbol to alert the other team where you're at at all times. Playing other classes helps tremendously as you have more knowledge of what they need to make a great experience for all and respect for them in wzs. I read that somewhere maybe on dulfy and it's completely true.

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