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Please fix the Lag Hic Ups and Companion Lag


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Please can you fix the Companion lag which makes my companions for all my characters lag WAY behind my character, I know you said you were going to fix this bug but I really think it should be a number one issue that should be fixed right away. The lagging issue has also majorly affected being able to run dungeons to the point it is making it VERY hard to be able to enjoy playing the game. I know it is not on my end the lag because I also play World of Warcraft with full graphics and have no lag issues at all. I really love this game with the story lines and everything but the game has become a major lag fest to the point I want to play but the lag makes it no fun at all. :mad::mad::confused::(
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I'm with you. I'm a founder and have been a subscriber since the game came out, except for an oopsy with expired card, and I have now just switched to another game. Too many deaths from no heals or no tank companion because he's stuck 40 feet back in a doorway picking his nose and I forgot to stop and go mow the lawn while i wait for him to catch up. This is a rather serious issue and logging in today on a lowbie I can see that nothing was repaired. We have our companions for a reason and since they have basically made the game solo play only you really rely on them to be there. I don't understand why this is not a top priority fix.
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