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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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If it's not already there, post it in the forum I linked as Keith said they are reading it and will respond to questions. The more people who mention about lack of customisation in cut scenes the better. It didn't affect my version of Quinn but it will affect all the remaining romance companions I have that are yet to return as they are all customised.


I am glad about the Theron customisation - I am sick of his 80s jacket & welly boots!


Good point! I edited my reply to add it.

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Am hoping with the iokath story continuing we might get a few more Quinn scenes :)

I must have missed this in the roadmap - I didn't see that they'd specifically said that the Iokath story was continuing.

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I recently finished decorating Yavin 4, my last not 100% SH. Now I have decorating withdrawal :eek: That new SH can't come soon enough!


I'm spending time tweaking and improving older SHs with new nicer decos.


I'm still frustrated that no Quinn holo is customised. I place them both, but it's just some officers in my SHs :(


As much as I wish there was more cutscenes with him in the future update, it's more for all of you than myself at this point. I expect it to be a disappointment for me until proven otherwise.

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I'm still frustrated that no Quinn holo is customised. I place them both, but it's just some officers in my SHs :(


As much as I wish there was more cutscenes with him in the future update, it's more for all of you than myself at this point. I expect it to be a disappointment for me until proven otherwise.

We need more people to add this to the Roadmap thread, bug forum and suggestions as this seems to the only area that the Devs have not mentioned in any way.

The new Quinn holo/decoration (the hands on hips one) can be customised after you complete Iokath but I don't think that will be of any use to you as all through Iokath it won't be your Quinn.

Apparently you can PM Keith suggestions too. Have you tried? It might be worth it to link him a video or two of your Quinn so he realises the importance.

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The new Quinn holo/decoration (the hands on hips one) can be customised after you complete Iokath but I don't think that will be of any use to you as all through Iokath it won't be your Quinn.


He's supposed to, but he isn't. He's the default holo, not customised holo, when he stands next to me as active comp (on an Iokath toon). So when I'm on my warrior, I have 2 default Quinns, not just one. :confused: He turned into "himself" only when dismissed (at least that isn't another default :rolleyes:).

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I wish they would stop dragging their feet on this and at least acknowledge if this is a bug or not :(

The Devs are probably ignoring us because as far as they're concerned female player issues don't matter & I suspect they consider this thread a "female issues" thread and have never looked in. Maybe we should start a "my half naked [/insert ditsy-voiced female companion here] did not come back customised" then problem would be answered & fixed in 24 hours!

Edited by Sarova
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I wish they would stop dragging their feet on this and at least acknowledge if this is a bug or not :(


I suspect all this customisation issue is not a bug (as in: not broken), but a lack of thought. They didn't think it through, they didn't think of customisations, or rather lack of them, so it didn't occur to them it could matter to anyone. Now they'd have to admit they just "forgot" about that "little detail", and maybe don't want to.


Or they don't want to say anything to postpone the moment the sh** hits the fan, when it turns out it's going to be like that from now on. Like they hadn't admitted no comps would return in KOTET as long as they could, until people kept pressing and not giving up in a stream.

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The Devs are probably ignoring us because as far as they're concerned female player issues don't matter & I suspect they consider this thread a "female issues" thread and have never looked in. Maybe we should start a "my half naked [/insert ditsy-voiced female companion here] did not come back customised" then problem would be answered & fixed in 24 hours!


Are the customizations working for Elara Dorne? I was under the impression that both Quinn and Dorne suffered from this? I don't actually know, however.

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Are the customizations working for Elara Dorne? I was under the impression that both Quinn and Dorne suffered from this? I don't actually know, however.


I think someone somewhere confirmed from their own experience that it didn't work for her either. My Elara wasn't customised, so I can't tell for sure, and I have only 1 trooper, so can't re-run to check.

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Are the customizations working for Elara Dorne? I was under the impression that both Quinn and Dorne suffered from this? I don't actually know, however.

No-one seems to care about Elara Dorne - but lets face it, she's not a ditsy girly companion like Vette. I expect if a lack of customisation in cut scenes had happened to a returned Vette there would have been news worthy riots.


Seriously though, I'm beginning to think that the Dev's lack of response means Quinn's non-customised return is a permanent stealth change that affects him and all future returning companions and it's two fingers up to anyone who doesn't like it. They haven't even offered the compromise of replaying Iokath with a customised Quinn.

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Keep on trying to work on that drawing and have to keep on resisting the urge to just rip it to pieces...it just isn't cooperating :(


I might have to strip my look alike down to his underwear and retake the picture just so I can get some angles right...purple Quinn will not like that idea lol


As much as I hate to admit this...I have no idea how to draw clothes...only did figure drawing in college....so he might end up naked anyway....Sorry purple Quinn...I don't do this embarrass you...just my lack in artistic ability that might make you that way :( I hope you can forgive me...

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The Devs are probably ignoring us because as far as they're concerned female player issues don't matter & I suspect they consider this thread a "female issues" thread and have never looked in. Maybe we should start a "my half naked [/insert ditsy-voiced female companion here] did not come back customised" then problem would be answered & fixed in 24 hours!


This wouldn't shock me one bit. I bet none of them have even deigned to look at our thread, they've just written us off and like you say, they don't exactly seem to care about female player's needs/problems. :(

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The Devs are probably ignoring us because as far as they're concerned female player issues don't matter & I suspect they consider this thread a "female issues" thread and have never looked in. Maybe we should start a "my half naked [/insert ditsy-voiced female companion here] did not come back customised" then problem would be answered & fixed in 24 hours!


Well here is a screenshot of mostly naked Quinn to help make us feel better lol



Before purple Quinn flips out over this...I do have a clothed screen shot of this, exact same angle, only did this to give me a visual to help with the clothed angle. Clothed one :http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Posed-for-a-drawing-684715519

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Well here is a screenshot of mostly naked Quinn to help make us feel better lol



Before purple Quinn flips out over this...I do have a clothed screen shot of this, exact same angle, only did this to give me a visual to help with the clothed angle. Clothed one :http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Posed-for-a-drawing-684715519

I'm waiting for Purple Quinn to start his protest :D


A bit off-topic - have the Lord Scourge lovers seen Charles Boyd's post in response to a request for a force using male companion? I replied here (and also got my 2 pence in about Malavai). He has asked for suggestions on what we'd like to see in this new companion should there be one.

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I'm waiting for Purple Quinn to start his protest :D


A bit off-topic - have the Lord Scourge lovers seen Charles Boyd's post in response to a request for a force using male companion? I replied here (and also got my 2 pence in about Malavai). He has asked for suggestions on what we'd like to see in this new companion should there be one.


I did and quickly added my two credits about Scourge, or the sort of force using comp I'd like to have. I wasted no time at all :D I hope we get Scourge, I do adore him. Then the struggle will be real for my Jedi, Scourge or Theron...I might have to make another alt lol.


Well here is a screenshot of mostly naked Quinn to help make us feel better lol



Before purple Quinn flips out over this...I do have a clothed screen shot of this, exact same angle, only did this to give me a visual to help with the clothed angle. Clothed one :http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Posed-for-a-drawing-684715519


Mmm, naked Quinn. Clothed Quinn too. I approve. :p

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I did and quickly added my two credits about Scourge, or the sort of force using comp I'd like to have. I wasted no time at all :D I hope we get Scourge, I do adore him. Then the struggle will be real for my Jedi, Scourge or Theron...I might have to make another alt lol.

Put in my two cents for getting Lord Cytharat back...all of my male Imperial characters romance him....poor purple Quinn might flip on those pictures once he gets to that part of the story lol ;) Also might flip over the Kaliyo romance screen shots too...but I'll keep those in my pocket ;)


IMmm, naked Quinn. Clothed Quinn too. I approve. :p

Glad you liked, thought I would try a different angle and with better lighting, so went to Yavin Stronghold and took a bunch of screen shots with that pose an another of the chair ones, that angle might be to hard for my skill though...will try :)

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