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Galactic Conflict - Match 2 - Round 1 – Echo of Legends VS Remnants of the Fel


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Yea Sil messing with my faction all over.


I never said they wasn't lethal just AA guns are more lethal.My ships won't be1 shotted like the x wings better armor and shields well the airspeeders might but those fall into acceptable loses.With just numbers and firepower my fighters theoretically should take out the turbolasers before they deal serious damage.


No AA towers are more efficient, they'll hit more often causing more damage. Turbolasers won't hit them as often but will do significantly more damage when they do.


Given the sheer numbers involved I find it unlikely that missing will be much of a problem.

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No AA towers are more efficient, they'll hit more often causing more damage. Turbolasers won't hit them as often but will do significantly more damage when they do.


Given the sheer numbers involved I find it unlikely that missing will be much of a problem.


Do the defending forces have any rockets, snipers, mounted guns, or ect ect that could help against air strikes?

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Do the defending forces have any rockets, snipers, mounted guns, or ect ect that could help against air strikes?


Rockets: Yes.

Snipers: Yes.

Mounted Guns: If by defensive emplacements as part of fortification then yes.

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Not sure if this will help but thought I would post it.


Imperial Ace's:The best trained pilots in the Galaxy Imperial Ace's are said to have unnatural reaction speeds in dog fights.

While not a dog fight this perk should help them avoid some of the enemy fire.

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Also since I know K forgot Variables just want to remind you of a perk for all of Sil sneaky business.


What’s in the Dark most come to Light:After years of fighting a shadow war they have refined their skills in counterintelligence which allows the remnant agents and troops to find and counteract enemy intelligence operations.

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Doesn't nullify enemy infiltration, merely raises the skill required.

Never said it would I wished I could have made it so no one could infiltrate my faction but I doubt you would have allowed it.Get those Infiltrator skills up sil plus they have to deal with my counterIntel agents who been working on find any of your agents since the first turn.

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Another Attack lets go


1 Garrison Base

20 Imperial Knights

2 Masters

15 legions

100 At-AA,

100 AT-AT,

500 AV-7

500 TX130

200 T4-B

300 J1

10 scorpenek Annihilator droid

200 AT-MP

1,000 AHS-1 Heavy assault airspeeder

Edited by Jarons
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NPC Armies


Army 1


180,000 troops,

60k 74-Z Speeder bikes,

1,500 AT-TE,

2000 AT-AP

Faction Stats: Heavy Armored with a variety of gadgets, kitted out with DC-17s and attachments.



Asaam Venaj



Heavy Hitter: Offensive attacks deal more initial damage than other commanders.

Fortifier: Defensive positions are harder to assault.

Feared Adversary: Every time a group attacks his forces after the first Turn they lose a portion of their morale.




Tier 1

- Siege T10-1

- Field T5-1

- Skirmish T4-1

Tier 2

- Logistics T9-1

- Terrain T6-1

Tier 3

- Campaign T5-1

Tier 4

- Exotic T7-1



Tier 1

- Dirty Fighting T10-1

- Physicality T8-1

- Agility T3-1

- Environment T4-1

- Ingenuity T4-1

Tier 2

- Martial Arts T8-1

- Ranged Weaponry T8-1

- Gadgets T4-1





Army 2


10 Defilers

40 Nightsisters+Pets

4000 Canderous Assualt tanks

30k Destroyer Droid MK-II

300k Mercs

75k Grenadiers

1000 MDU (500 Scramblers, 50 Ysalimiri, 450 Rockets)

7000 Pulse Cannon






Siege T8-1

- Field T8-1

- Skirmish T8-1

Tier 2

- Logistics T6-1

- Terrain T10-1

Tier 3

- Campaign T2-1

Tier 4

- Exotic T5-1





- Agility T8-1

- Environment T6-1

- Ingenuity T7-1

Melee Combat M9

Anti-force user melee techniques T7-1



Sokan M5

Tràkata M5





Force speed M5

Force cloak M2

Force stealth M4

Force sight M1

Farseeing M6

Force empathy M4

Telepathy M10

Telekinesis M2

Force Jump/Leap M4

Force Pull/Push M4



Used With a Lightsaber



--Dun Moch M6







Force Sense M5

Force Wave M1

Force Whisper M7

Force confusion M7

Projected Telepathy M5

Precognition M8

Tutaminis M4



-Force Deflection M2

-Force Whirlwind M2

-Mechu-deru M1



--Conceal Other M1






Force Persuasion M10



- Mind Trick M10

- Force Projection M1

- Force Stun M2








Force lightning M2

Force rage M3

Force scream M1

Force Slow M5

Force wound M5



- Drain Knowledge M5

- Force grip M3

- Force Fear M8




-- Force choke M1

-- Force Horror M8




--Force Illusion M8

---- Force phantom M2





The attacking forces are attacking from the west and southeast. They're also working together. Also, more fun illusions.

Edited by karadron
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NPC Armies


Army 1


180,000 troops,

60k 74-Z Speeder bikes,

1,500 AT-TE,

2000 AT-AP

Faction Stats: Heavy Armored with a variety of gadgets, kitted out with DC-17s and attachments.



Asaam Venaj



Heavy Hitter: Offensive attacks deal more initial damage than other commanders.

Fortifier: Defensive positions are harder to assault.

Feared Adversary: Every time a group attacks his forces after the first Turn they lose a portion of their morale.




Tier 1

- Siege T10-1

- Field T5-1

- Skirmish T4-1

Tier 2

- Logistics T9-1

- Terrain T6-1

Tier 3

- Campaign T5-1

Tier 4

- Exotic T7-1



Tier 1

- Dirty Fighting T10-1

- Physicality T8-1

- Agility T3-1

- Environment T4-1

- Ingenuity T4-1

Tier 2

- Martial Arts T8-1

- Ranged Weaponry T8-1

- Gadgets T4-1





Army 2


10 Defilers

40 Nightsisters+Pets

4000 Canderous Assualt tanks

30k Destroyer Droid MK-II

300k Mercs

75k Grenadiers

1000 MDU (500 Scramblers, 50 Ysalimiri, 450 Rockets)

7000 Pulse Cannon






Siege T8-1

- Field T8-1

- Skirmish T8-1

Tier 2

- Logistics T6-1

- Terrain T10-1

Tier 3

- Campaign T2-1

Tier 4

- Exotic T5-1





- Agility T8-1

- Environment T6-1

- Ingenuity T7-1

Melee Combat M9

Anti-force user melee techniques T7-1



Sokan M5

Tràkata M5





Force speed M5

Force cloak M2

Force stealth M4

Force sight M1

Farseeing M6

Force empathy M4

Telepathy M10

Telekinesis M2

Force Jump/Leap M4

Force Pull/Push M4



Used With a Lightsaber



--Dun Moch M6







Force Sense M5

Force Wave M1

Force Whisper M7

Force confusion M7

Projected Telepathy M5

Precognition M8

Tutaminis M4



-Force Deflection M2

-Force Whirlwind M2

-Mechu-deru M1



--Conceal Other M1






Force Persuasion M10



- Mind Trick M10

- Force Projection M1

- Force Stun M2








Force lightning M2

Force rage M3

Force scream M1

Force Slow M5

Force wound M5



- Drain Knowledge M5

- Force grip M3

- Force Fear M8




-- Force choke M1

-- Force Horror M8




--Force Illusion M8

---- Force phantom M2





The attacking forces are attacking from the west and southeast. They're also working together. Also, more fun illusions.

I seriously dislike you very much k.

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No offense... but what the hell K?


That first character has around 5,330 worth in points. Not to mention two R10's, which on a backwater like Rattatak, just seems super unlikely. Most R10's are galactic scale or player faction. Or very specific famous NPC's. Not people that no one has ever heard of on a nearly forgotten rim world.


I mean, I am all for J losing all of his units :d_grin: but I want it to make sense and this just... Stretches so much.


The second one, if it is from ZC as I presume and the Illusionist, not nearly as much of an issue since it is from a legit faction. The other though... They are one of multiple warlords on the world and really shouldn't have anything beyond R8, at the most.

Edited by Silenceo
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No offense... but what the hell K?


That first character has around 5,330 worth in points. Not to mention two R10's, which on a backwater like Rattatak, just seems super unlikely. Most R10's are galactic scale or player faction. Or very specific famous NPC's. Not people that no one has ever heard of on a nearly forgotten rim world.


I mean, I am all for J losing all of his units :d_grin: but I want it to make sense and this just... Stretches so much.

I just don't even know anymore.

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No offense... but what the hell K?


That first character has around 5,330 worth in points. Not to mention two R10's, which on a backwater like Rattatak, just seems super unlikely. Most R10's are galactic scale or player faction. Or very specific famous NPC's. Not people that no one has ever heard of on a nearly forgotten rim world.


I mean, I am all for J losing all of his units :d_grin: but I want it to make sense and this just... Stretches so much.


The second one, if it is from ZC as I presume and the Illusionist, not nearly as much of an issue since it is from a legit faction. The other though... They are one of multiple warlords on the world and really shouldn't have anything beyond R8, at the most.


I may have gotten a bit carried away. :p


I'm still trying to balance character designs.

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I may have gotten a bit carried away. :p


I'm still trying to balance character designs.

You think?At least balance the characters near my characters I'll be fine with them being a little stronger but these characters have more points than all of my characters combine.


This is just insane right now K I just want a chance you just completely crushing that at every turn.

Edited by Jarons
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Don't try and balance every single character against a faction designed to have really strong heroes, when the other faction is not structured that way. It turns into a spiral of the first factions favor, and the seconds displeasure.
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Don't try and balance every single character against a faction designed to have really strong heroes, when the other faction is not structured that way. It turns into a spiral of the first factions favor, and the seconds displeasure.

Agreed not my fault sil broke the system with the mini hero thing.:p

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