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Galactic Conflict - Match 2 - Round 1 – Echo of Legends VS Remnants of the Fel


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1. Long planning by EoL for attack.

2. Possibility of some early warning by RF.

3. How long it take for RF reinforcements to arrive.

4. What each faction knows about enemy ships and commanders.

For 15+ turns I have had ghost frigates watching the EOL fleet stationed over Bespin and Belsavis. When the fleet over Bespin left the RF was notified by the ghost .With the presence of a EOL member stranded planetside (High ranking member) it's easy for RF high command to connect the Dots between the EOL fleet leaving and the EOL scout landing planetside 2 turns ago a attack is being planned by the EOL to attack Rattatak.


With the speed of my ships and how close Rattatak is to Bakura my fleet will be able to reach Rattatak early to mid battle.Which will lead to a scene similar to Rogue one when Vader arrived.


Neither faction know much about the other commanders but i have a lot of information on Sil Adepts.My ghost have also scanned the Inevitable,Locust and long arm for information on those ships me don't know much but that's better than nothing.

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To make things easier to view for everyone making a separate post for both sides perks.


RF characters perk



Fearless Commander: Combat situations invigorate him. He never wavers from his command once battle starts. In doing so he awes his crews who gain a huge increase in efficiency during battle.


Defensive maneuvers:Hughes when and where to place his fleet to keep casualties low and how to maximize the pain on his enemy.Bonus to abilities when defending a system and coordination between members of the fleet


Imperial Loyalists:Hughes loyalty is to the Empire first and foremost and is incredible hard to get him to abandon his mission


Exploiter:Marcus has learned the weakness of just about every ship known in the galaxy as a pirate and learned the weak point of each of those ships to quickly disable and board the ship.This gives Marcus a bonus against Disabling enemy ships and help coordinate borders.


Pirate Tactics: As a former Pirate commander Marcus has great insight on getting the jump on his enemy and the perfect time to exploit the weakness in their defenses. Enemies that attacks Marcus fleet or whom he launches an offensive against suffer a penalty to battle readiness.


Driven: After being saved by the Hughes and having faith put in him Marcus has driven to prove that Hughes faith wasn’t misplaced and he is loyal is to the empire.When fighting enemy of the Empire Marcus inspire his men to fight even harder for victory and increase their moral.




RF Faction Perk




1.Imperial Ace's:The best trained pilots in the Galaxy Imperial Ace's are said to have unnatural reaction speeds in dog fights.


2.Imperial Boarding actions:The Imperial Marines are the best of the best when it comes to boarding and repealing enemy boarders.Bonus to unit cohesion when boarding an enemy ship or stopping enemy boarding operations.


3.Pinpoint accuracy:Capital ship Gunners are exceptional at hitting their targets and are said to have pinpoint accuracy.


4.Fire All Batteries:Through good coordination between the Captain and crew, capital ships can organize a coordinated barrage designed to overwhelm smaller ships, and to coordinate against similar sized ships. Increases space unit cohesion and allows for short bursts of greater firepower.




1.The Remnant has access to Hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer.Which Allow Remnant ships to pass through enemy interdiction fields.


2.Stealth and anti stealth tech -The Remnant has access to wide range of stealth tech and multiple anti stealth technology.




EOL characters Perk


Exploitive Tactician: Very skilled in spotting and figuring out how to exploit an opposing forces weakness, while being mindful of his own.


Precision Striker: He is skilled at quickly relaying targets and coordinates for accurate shooting to ships under his command.


Counter-Striker: Excels at launching counter strikes when an opponent attempts to pierce his formations, whether it be starfighter or capital ship.


She Who Directs the Metal Chorus (Organizer)


Organizer of the Fleet: Very adept at ensuring the fleet stays in formation as well as adapting on the fly to new formations that fit the situation better.


Star-Mates: One Who Walks Among Stars and She Who Directs the Metal Chorus are exceptionally close, nearly being able to tell what the other needs before they ask. In so doing, they are able to be strong when the other is weak, even in tactics.


Attuned to the Metal Song: Due to her compulsive nature, she made it a matter to know very well the capabilities and durability of each vessel that the Echo of Legends fleet commands. Due to this, she can tell more easily when a ship under their command is nearing its limits, and when it can be pushed farther.


Vao Akeo, The Orchestrator


Data Reservoir: Seeing as how she is a memory droid, she had stored in her databanks the information from thousands of battles and tactics as well as their counters. This makes her very good at countering well-known or common tactics. It also gives her a boost against lower-level tacticians.


Relentless, but Naive: Her hopeless positivity encourages her droid brethren even in the face of defeat, but since she is so trusting she can not accurately predict an organic’s deceptive moves as well as others.


Advanced Analysis Algorithms: These recently added programs allow her to replay past battles within her cybernetic brain countless times, studying them. Doing so enough allows her to learn the weaknesses and strengths of ships, tacticians, and maneuvers that she has previously encountered.




EOL Faction Perks


Evasive Pilots: The pilots of the ‘Echo of Legends’ are unusually adept at avoiding incoming fire, as well as maintaining control of their crafts.


System Whisperers: The crew aboard their vessels are skilled at managing the power levels, maintenance, and overall pushing capital ship systems to their fullest in times of need.


Cohesive Force: Crews aboard capital ships are skilled in staying in formations and protecting weakened sections of their formations.


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For 15+ turns I have had ghost frigates watching the EOL fleet stationed over Bespin and Belsavis. When the fleet over Bespin left the RF was notified by the ghost .With the presence of a EOL member stranded planetside (High ranking member) it's easy for RF high command to connect the Dots between the EOL fleet leaving and the EOL scout landing planetside 2 turns ago a attack is being planned by the EOL to attack Rattatak.


With the speed of my ships and how close Rattatak is to Bakura my fleet will be able to reach Rattatak early to mid battle.Which will lead to a scene similar to Rogue one when Vader arrived.


Neither faction know much about the other commanders but i have a lot of information on Sil Adepts.My ghost have also scanned the Inevitable,Locust and long arm for information on those ships me don't know much but that's better than nothing.


I get that the RF would know that an Adept made planet fall, but how do they know it is a high ranking member and not just a pathfinder?


Scanning, while useful, won't really tell you much about the vessels other than the armament, unless the scanning ships got dangerously close... At which, powerful senses might have detected... Now, if it was just long-distance scans, than we can move on. If you got super close scans though, might need details.


Except the thing is, not a large force, really, all things considered. That, and my ships have left the system before and returned. Heck, the Legend has left Bespin and returned multiple times. The Long Arm's left long before Swift Justice made planet fall, and could just be considered hiding, though a bit of a stretch. If your units are going off of the gone for one turn, did not return part. Then I estimate that the reinforcements will arrive halfway through the turn, due to how close that one turn head start would place the fleet to Rattatak and how little they would have to travel to finish the journey.


I will get into, later, why I think it will take so long through a faction psychoanalysis, which has a large effect on how factions behave when there is no strong leader around. Notable examples of this occurred in last match such as when Dutch's captains were undisciplined in warfare and botched a space skirmish and lost ships.


Side Note: As to the effect of the arrival, I will go into that later.


After Thought: Regarding the scanning of the Long Arms, would have been a very short window to scan them. And if you wanted detailed scans, you would have needed to get close due to short duration. In that environment.... Eh, we will discuss that later depending on the level of detail you scanned from them.


P.S.: How do you have a lot of info on my Adepts? They haven't really done any combat where you ships can see, nor really shown the things that are special about them. If anything, the scans might have told you about the weaponry and led some to believe they were unwieldy or some such when the opposite is true. Where was it that you got the 'a lot' bit on the Adepts? I mean, not like they have been near the edges of the system near the Ghosts doing mock dog-fights for spectators. :d_wink:

Edited by Silenceo
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A few more perks you missed that will in some way influence the battle. Do remember, my faction is very much a 'compounding factor' type with many building on each other.



Rivals of the Rakata: In times long past, their people had done fierce, seemingly unending, battle with the Rakata. Despite losing the war and being forced into hiding, they retain their warrior origins proudly, with their will to survive having only strengthened. (The pilots and crew in general.)


Hive Origins: Despite each individual having a mind of their own, their history indicates that they have been hive-like in ages past. While archaic, it does help the members of this faction coordinate with one another. (Pilots)


Droid Meld: Due to how the faction is run, and how they operate with each other, increased effectiveness and efficiency between droids. They are able to coordinate among each other more so than the average organic. (Locust)


Advanced Droid Race: Due to the focus on the military, lack of memory wipes, and the extensive use of droids, they have developed improved AI. Increase Overall Droid Effectiveness. (Locust)


Warrior Race: Members of this faction are born to battle, and are taught from a young age to be able to defend themselves, and how to fight when called to serve. (Crew, in case of boarders)


War-Chants: The more friendly force users that are nearby, the greater allied forces are able to coordinate with one another. Force users are affected more so. (Adept pilots)


Mysticism: The Esh-ka Priests are able to use the force to alter the physical realm, which includes things such as enchanting, enhancing, and imbuing items and equipment. (Adept vessel is enchanted)


Melding of Power: When a group of force users are together in battle, they can combine their power for brief moments for powerful combined assaults. (Adept Pilots)


Ancient Bond: It is very difficult to ‘disrupt’ their connection to the force (such as with neural inhibitors or electric shocks) and have intense concentration/focus. (Adept Pilots)


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1. Long planning by EoL for attack.

2. Possibility of some early warning by RF.

3. How long it take for RF reinforcements to arrive.

4. What each faction knows about enemy ships and commanders.


Nothing about the seer? You make me sad. :d_frown:


Side Note: I must ask though... Why would the RF main tactician send so many? I mean, wouldn't that, tactically, leave Bakura vulnerable to attack? :d_evil:

Edited by Silenceo
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While I wait for J to answer the questions I asked, going to go over the general plan for the assault. It comes in 4 main phases, and I will start off where all good things start, at the beginning.


Phase I:



1 ghost

10,000 Tie defenders

5,000 Tie Vanquishers

5,000 Skirays

300 majestics

100 Bothana assaults



300 namana

100 vindicators *




5,666 Adept (Sentry)

1,000 Adept (Quaesitor)

10 Adept *(Pallium)


1 Inevitable (Legend)

- Multishielding

- Stealth

- +10 Engines/Maneuverability

- 4 Grav domes

32,950 Esh-ka Warriors

100 Sanctus

100 Phaedra

- 110,000 Locust


10,000 Long-Arm class


Core plan for Phase 1: Bait

Variables the tacticians are looking for: Force separation, fighters by themselves, or disorganization in enemy ranks.

Previous affects: Long planning, up to date info on enemy numbers prior to attack, and some of the vessels are known to the EoL due to Vao's database, said database also will help due to the common tactics non-tacticians employ.

Units used: 110,000 Locust, all of the Adepts, and The Legend

Purpose: Initiation of the battle using the knowledge of what common folk might do in command


How it begins: The Legend drops out of hyperspace a bit away from the RF fleet and de-cloaks, immediately opening fire using its prow guns. The Locust's detach, allowing the other guns to prepare for enemies. Adepts stay close to the Legend and keep a low profile. The defending force, seeing that the vessel has powerful long-range guns (that are unlike to have been scanned unless a ghost tried to go into the cavern...) they might panic or try to close the distance. Relying on their greater numbers they begin attacking the Inevitable. There is no tactician among them to point out the tactical suicide they are committing. In their charge, due to a single target, they get a bit bunched up but try to spread a bit to flank the Inevitable, since it tends to work against large vessels. By then, the RF fighters have reached it and begun bombing and strafing runs. Which are stopped soon after due to the torrent of Locust. While the Locust keep their attention, the Adept's close and start systematically eliminating threats. Additionally, the guided missiles would be picking out the Skiprays. By this time the Corvettes have closed, however, have taken quite a beating from the Inevitable. It is then that phase 2 would commence.





Phase II:



Core of plan for Phase 2: The Switch

Objective: Beat the clock

Forces introduced: Long Arms


This phase is quite simple. The Long Arms come out of hyperspace around now, angled to fire on the approaching vessels at long range. They then begin firing at will at the now bunched up ships. Due to them thinking it was just the one vessel before, they had engaged according to their training, trying to flank and out-maneuver to larger vessel. With the emergence of the new vessels, if they had not sent out a distress call (instead of a simple 'we are engaging' call) before, they will have now. The bombardment, due to the close proximity to each other, would experience many more direct hits, due to the Long Arms state of the art sensors and its targeting systems. At this point, the Inevitable's shield would likely fail. Despite the weak amount of weaponry per ship compared to what the Inevitable class was designed to take on, combined, there was still an impressive amount of weaponry arrayed against it. However, it has a 2ndary shield which would then activate while the first recharged. The infamous (trololol) double shield. After around half of the RF forces are eliminated, the common captain would attempt to save his vessel. In short, they would route. Which is what leads to Phase 3.





Phase III:



Core of Phase III: Clean up

Objective: Tidy up a bit while regrouping

Simply put, they scratch off any vessel they can that is attempting to flee, using the gravitational domes to slow hyperspace jumps. Which, while the compensators would allow them to jump still, it would take additional time. At this point, the RF star fighters should mostly be depleted, and the Locust re-attaching to the Legend's hull. Due to the likely depleted numbers, the guns should still be able to fire.



Phase IV:




Core of Phase IV: Leave

Objective: leave before possible reinforcements arrive

This one happens right about when the Locust's attach, whether there are enemies left or not. The EL force leaves. Hyperjumps out.



Time explanation:



This plan, basically, takes advantage of there not being a tactician, which is part of why the Inevitable would show itself and begin the fight itself. To measure what tactical prowess the enemy posses. Due to the captains lack of tactical skill and imperial training, they are likely to engage. Phase 1 is really rather short time wise, but packed with opening actions to set the stage. Phase 2, about half way through it, should hit the 1/4 of a turn mark. I say this not out of biased, but because of how unlike most tactics which comprise of skirmishing, exchanging fire at range and such, this would likely be a mostly CQC scenario due to the prow-guns from the Inevitable, which means the RF cannot remain at range. They would be forced to close, but the Inevitable defense was essentially designed for almost this exact scenario. Initially, depending on faction mind set that I will get into later, there are 3 possible things that the commanders could of done when the single vessel appeared. 1. Sent out a 'we are engaging in combat, we should be fine' message. 2. Sent out a 'Holy ****** send help NAOW!' message, though with the number of vessels present, I feel jumping straight to this in Phase I is unlike. In Phase II, it is basically a given. Or 3. No signal at all in Phase I due to Imperial over-confidence. Now, back to the timing. Phase III would commence around the 3/8 of a turn mark, between the 1/2 and 1/4 respectively. Phase IIII would then fit solidly into the 1/2 mark, basically leaving right as the RF forces arrived. However, due to the previous battle, there might not be a proper command structure left to give accurate cords to jump to in order to halt the EL tactical retreat.


I am sure there is much more debate to come, but I figured I might as well start with this.


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Nothing about the seer? You make me sad. :d_frown:


Side Note: I must ask though... Why would the RF main tactician send so many? I mean, wouldn't that, tactically, leave Bakura vulnerable to attack? :d_evil:

Sil don't worry my main planet more than defendable with what they have presently.

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I get that the RF would know that an Adept made planet fall, but how do they know it is a high ranking member and not just a pathfinder?


Scanning, while useful, won't really tell you much about the vessels other than the armament, unless the scanning ships got dangerously close... At which, powerful senses might have detected... Now, if it was just long-distance scans, than we can move on. If you got super close scans though, might need details.


Except the thing is, not a large force, really, all things considered. That, and my ships have left the system before and returned. Heck, the Legend has left Bespin and returned multiple times. The Long Arm's left long before Swift Justice made planet fall, and could just be considered hiding, though a bit of a stretch. If your units are going off of the gone for one turn, did not return part. Then I estimate that the reinforcements will arrive halfway through the turn, due to how close that one turn head start would place the fleet to Rattatak and how little they would have to travel to finish the journey.


I will get into, later, why I think it will take so long through a faction psychoanalysis, which has a large effect on how factions behave when there is no strong leader around. Notable examples of this occurred in last match such as when Dutch's captains were undisciplined in warfare and botched a space skirmish and lost ships.


Side Note: As to the effect of the arrival, I will go into that later.


After Thought: Regarding the scanning of the Long Arms, would have been a very short window to scan them. And if you wanted detailed scans, you would have needed to get close due to short duration. In that environment.... Eh, we will discuss that later depending on the level of detail you scanned from them.


P.S.: How do you have a lot of info on my Adepts? They haven't really done any combat where you ships can see, nor really shown the things that are special about them. If anything, the scans might have told you about the weaponry and led some to believe they were unwieldy or some such when the opposite is true. Where was it that you got the 'a lot' bit on the Adepts? I mean, not like they have been near the edges of the system near the Ghosts doing mock dogfights for spectators. :d_wink:

Sil I put that in bracket to show it was OOC knowledge next time I will clarify my apologies.


The scans were just armaments scans that why I mentioned we don't have much detail on the other ships so yes we can move on.


While yes it's not a large fleet that kinda help point out where they are going Sil.The fleet isn't big enough to attack Bakura or Riflor so obviously the fleet has to be coming to Rattatak.Not to mentioned the fleet haven't showed back up the long arms haven't showed back up where have they went?Why wouldn't my fleet assume you were going there?With the speed of my ships I can reach you mid battle sil.


Ohh to answer your question on how I have a lot of information on the Adept is that I stole one.To be exact I stole SJ personally Adept.Which I mentioned to you my forces just completed a Operation and for the last turn or two my top scientist been reverse engineering the ship.It takes 2 turns for Kira to do that and we had it for a week so far,she were assigned to send the information she gathered on the ship to Marcus and hugh. Stealing the ship pretty much leave your man standard, Which is why I would assume you send something to get him back.

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Sil don't worry my main planet more than defendable with what they have presently.


Let me rephrase. Why the hell would a R10 tact like yours send so many IC?


Sil I put that in bracket to show it was OOC knowledge next time I will clarify my apologies.


The scans were just armaments scans that why I mentioned we don't have much detail on the other ships so yes we can move on.


While yes it's not a large fleet that kinda help point out where they are going Sil.The fleet isn't big enough to attack Bakura or Riflor so obviously the fleet has to be coming to Rattatak.Not to mentioned the fleet haven't showed back up the long arms haven't showed back up where have they went?Why wouldn't my fleet assume you were going there?With the speed of my ships I can reach you mid battle sil.


Ohh to answer your question on how I have a lot of information on the Adept is that I stole one.To be exact I stole SJ personally Adept.Which I mentioned to you my forces just completed a Operation and for the last turn or two my top scientist been reverse engineering the ship.It takes 2 turns for Kira to do that and we had it for a week so far,she were assigned to send the information she gathered on the ship to Marcus and hugh. Stealing the ship pretty much leave your man standard, Which is why I would assume you send something to get him back.


Understandable, yeah, mmm, though many uses for many fleets, go on. Never said the ships couldn't reach it mid-battle.


Wait... What? Lets skip the slow forum chat for now. *grabs gun* I need to do some Karadron hunting... Just hold that thought, J. :rak_03:


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Hey K, any chance you have a list of things specifically you want debated, or do you just want us to do the general stuff as usual? Also, J, do you have a plan for the RF to propose, or mostly going with the flow?
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Alright, just a few things to keep in mind.







2 Heavy Turbolaser Prow Cannons

2 Heavy Ion Prow Cannons

7,000 Turbolasers (Top and Bottom)

Total of 14,000

10,000 Heavy Turbolasers (Cavern)

750 Guided Missile Tubes (Per Fold)

Total of 3,000

10,000 Point Defense Turrets (Edges)

Top/Bot Edges: 2,856 spread every 10 meters (2 sides)

Mouth Edge: 1,428 spread every 8 meters (top and bottom)

Fold Edges: 1,428 spread every 9 meters (both sides)

Engine Edges: 1,428 spread every 14 meters (along 4 frames)




Long Arm


10 Long Range Heavy Mass Drivers





4 Heavy laser cannons

4 Light Ion cannons

2 Missile Launchers (right/left fins)

2 Proton Tubes (top/bottom fins)






1 Laser Cannon (top)

1 Missile Launcher (bottom)









Additional Generators

Very thick

Good armor



Long Arm


No Armor

No Shields





Super Heavy Shields

Super Heavy Armor





No Armor

No Shields



Shots per Volley from the Long Arms: 100,000 (10x10,000)

Long Arm Accuracy: Very High (special systems)


Special factors for the Adepts: Precog, enchantment to enhance precog, force speed, and Locust's shielding them

Special Factors for the Long Arms: Hyperdrives are designed to enter hyperspace quickly (shorter travel distance)

Special Factors for the Inevitable: Personally commanded by Starwalker, Flagship bonuses, facing Cruisers and below, when designed to take on SSD's (ex. the Vindicator's weaponry is light and would do little)

Special Factors for the Locust: There are a freaking lot of them, Coordinated by Vao, Droid minds and thus, affected by the droid perks that increase droid intelligence and capability



Some quick math for everyone to think about regarding each volley:


Cruisers - 500

Frigates - 750

Corvettes - 1,300


If each ship is targeted by an aprox equal number of ships: 10,000/2550=3.92156862745098 So 4 for most, 3 for the remainder. So each ship, in this calculation, would have to wheather/dodge/shield against 30-40 Heavy Mass Driver shells every single volley. For the Cruisers, they can keep that up for a while with their defenses, albeit it varies depending on which cruiser. The Corevettes however, depending on variables, it could take as few as one (direct hit to bridge), to as many as ten (glancing blows) to destroy. They would be harder to hit, yes. However, that is just one volley. Say that it takes 20s to reload, to give a long, and easy to put into a minute, number. That would mean that in just a minute, a Corvette would have to dodge 90-120 shells. This isn't even accounting for if they are near to other corvettes! Suffice to say, the bullet storm will be heavy. Truth be told, I don't think the reload time would be 20s, but... *shrug* That isn't a stat that I really nailed down for the Long Range Heavy Mass Driver.


Essentially the only safe spot from the volley's, if the plan I proposed is successful in luring them in towards the inevitable, will be the Cavern and mouth area. Which, if filled with a ton of ships... Could transfer energy from other weapons and just obliterate them there.

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Things to note before I tell everyone my battle plan.

Sil is correct that Captain of my forces will tell Command that the Inevitable arrived and they should be able to handle it.

The issue is the Ghost who will report something different since the ghost is a joint project between Imperial intelligence and Navy.Imperial Intelligence while not sure if (Flagships are considered OOC or IC knowledge),Will believe that the ship house important information on the rest of the EOL forces and futures plans.Which would make it a high value target for Imperial intelligence.Which will lead to another call by the ghost telling Navy to send more reinforcements and that the capture of the Inevitable.


Battleplan PT1:Once the legend enter into space the fleet there will follow Standard Imperial Doctrine and apply a bleeding tactic to the inevitable. Using the majestic to pepper the Legend from range while the rest of the fleet move in close.The Tie Defenders and Vanquishers are two very tanky star fighters that can take a lot of fire from the locus and with perks and training will be able to avoid most of the locus fire and make quick work of the swarm with assistance for the tartans.Once in range the rest of the fleet will hammer the Legend and the adepts.


After that Phase 2 of sil Plan should just be starting.My fleet will be losing ships and my captains will start to pull back and attempt to flee.While my ghost frigate record the EOL tactics and ship performance in battle.During the end of phase 2 start of phase 3 RF reinforcements should arrive using the Ghost can send the RF the proper cords so they can port in to give them the best chance of cutting off the EOL escape and trap the fleet in system.


BattlePlan Pt2:With Hugh and Marcus arriving in the system with reinforcements and perks to increase moral will bolster the fleeing forces and rally them to keep fighting.With the Palleon Gravity domes will trap the legend and some Long arms in the system.The Legend first shield should still be down and the second version around 50% With combined firepower of the The Fel,A Executors and a few Palleons should make quick work of the second shield.While the second Executor and half of the reinforcement fleet will focus on the remaining long arms.The Fel and Executor will disable the Legend.Once that happens the EOL commanders can surrender to the superior tactician :p

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Things to note before I tell everyone my battle plan.

Sil is correct that Captain of my forces will tell Command that the Inevitable arrived and they should be able to handle it.

The issue is the Ghost who will report something different since the ghost is a joint project between Imperial intelligence and Navy.Imperial Intelligence while not sure if (Flagships are considered OOC or IC knowledge),Will believe that the ship house important information on the rest of the EOL forces and futures plans.Which would make it a high value target for Imperial intelligence.Which will lead to another call by the ghost telling Navy to send more reinforcements and that the capture of the Inevitable.


Battleplan PT1:Once the legend enter into space the fleet there will follow Standard Imperial Doctrine and apply a bleeding tactic to the inevitable. Using the majestic to pepper the Legend from range while the rest of the fleet move in close.The Tie Defenders and Vanquishers are two very tanky star fighters that can take a lot of fire from the locus and with perks and training will be able to avoid most of the locus fire and make quick work of the swarm with assistance for the tartans.Once in range the rest of the fleet will hammer the Legend and the adepts.


After that Phase 2 of sil Plan should just be starting.My fleet will be losing ships and my captains will start to pull back and attempt to flee.While my ghost frigate record the EOL tactics and ship performance in battle.During the end of phase 2 start of phase 3 RF reinforcements should arrive using the Ghost can send the RF the proper cords so they can port in to give them the best chance of cutting off the EOL escape and trap the fleet in system.


BattlePlan Pt2:With Hugh and Marcus arriving in the system with reinforcements and perks to increase moral will bolster the fleeing forces and rally them to keep fighting.With the Palleon Gravity domes will trap the legend and some Long arms in the system.The Legend first shield should still be down and the second version around 50% With combined firepower of the The Fel,A Executors and a few Palleons should make quick work of the second shield.While the second Executor and half of the reinforcement fleet will focus on the remaining long arms.The Fel and Executor will disable the Legend.Once that happens the EOL commanders can surrender to the superior tactician :p


You fool! You have activated my trap car- wait, wrong series...


A few things of note:

- Even with the corvettes and Defenders, destroying 110,000 ships will NOT be quick. That said, I could care less, really, if the majority of the Locust were lost.

- With the Locust's soaking the focus due to their numbers, the Adepts, due to their capabilities and pilots, are likely to be rather devastating to the RF pilots.

- One of my perks makes all of my pilots evasive. Normally, that would have minimal effect on a droid fighter, HOWEVER, due to a second perk which grants them greater intelligence, the first perk has a greater impact. Not to mention that they will be coordinated by Vao the entire time who is R8 in star fighter tactics.

- Standard imperial doctrine usually would have multiple layers of offense and it gets really complicated... To cut to the meat of it, the standard part of the protocol is to use the fighters as a screen ahead of all capital ships. Which, unless they put on the breaks to wait for the Skiprays and corvettes (which if I recall, the Adv is faster than a Tartan, due to a Tartan being around a TIE fighter in speed). If they hold back with the corvettes for a concentrated front, they are more likely to take losses enroute, whereas if they go by the book, they will engage in waves.

- Due to their speed, it is most likely that the Inevitable would focus on the Corvettes as they approach, which, with its amount of firepower in the cavern that would cover that approach vector, and the number of corvettes, numbers are a disadvantage here.

- If there is a boarding action, I have a few more factors to bring up, but that is up to K and when the forces arrive. Frankly, with the shots per volley and the power behind the shots (read glass cannons), I do not foresee this being a long engagement.


As for the ghost, honestly, as long as it keeps range, nothing I can really do about it, nor do I have jammers that I recall in this fleet.


As far as I know, unless you have an informant or something, then it should just be considered a standard Inevitable, since before now there hasn't really been signs that it is the flagship of the fleet since in appearance, it resembles several other ships. After the battle might be a different story, but...


As for when I suspect the RF fleet will arrive, honestly, it has been pushed back in my mind after crunching the numbers in that previous post of mine when considering the accuracy, number, and power of the shots being fired on a force that wasn't expecting them. Originally, I was thinking Phase 3 or so would be the arrival. However, after the number crunching, I find it at least possible that the EL fleet could leave before the RF reinforcements show up at all.


Quick number crunch, assuming worse case with none of the ships being destroyed on approach and considering just the long arm fire. Going to assume a 10% hit rate, despite their state of the art long range targeting systems. 30-40 shots per volley, so 3-4 shots per volley hitting, check for a minute, 9-12 shots hitting. Even on this low of an accuracy/hit ratio, the corvettes are likely to be in critical condition or destroyed. The Ardents, at a 20% due to the bump in size, would be 18-24 shots, which, at that caliber, would prove lethal. Assuming 30% for the cruisers due to the next bump in size, that is 27-36 shots. Now, so far the cruisers are the only ones that seem to be able to take that many shots within a minute (due to shield recharge time and etc) and still be able to continue on. So even at 10-20-30%'s for the corvette-frigate-cruiser categories, that is some damage... within a single minute. Do note, I am still using the 20s reload number, which, would likely be closer to 5-10s. Now, if you add in the close range punishment of the Inevitable... Well, it gets ugly.


A few things I need to give a few blurbs out to:

- 10,000 Point Defense Turrets on the Inevitable, to deal with pesky missiles, with their spacing it is considered average missile defense, though, not really any blind spots for it.

- 3,000 Guided missile launchers. To help in the closer quarters engagements, and dealing with pesky quick things.


Now, if the RF does end up trying to board the Inevitable... Well, there are more than just the soldiers and force users to worry about, which are trained and accommodated to use this ship's interior to their advantage.


Side Note: Don't forget all of the passive boosts that my fleet will get for having a Flagship and multiple competent leaders! Morale and etc etc shall go through the roof! <:D

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You fool! You have activated my trap car- wait, wrong series...


A few things of note:

- Even with the corvettes and Defenders, destroying 110,000 ships will NOT be quick. That said, I could care less, really, if the majority of the Locust were lost.

- With the Locust's soaking the focus due to their numbers, the Adepts, due to their capabilities and pilots, are likely to be rather devastating to the RF pilots.

- One of my perks makes all of my pilots evasive. Normally, that would have minimal effect on a droid fighter, HOWEVER, due to a second perk which grants them greater intelligence, the first perk has a greater impact. Not to mention that they will be coordinated by Vao the entire time who is R8 in star fighter tactics.

- Standard imperial doctrine usually would have multiple layers of offense and it gets really complicated... To cut to the meat of it, the standard part of the protocol is to use the fighters as a screen ahead of all capital ships. Which, unless they put on the breaks to wait for the Skiprays and corvettes (which if I recall, the Adv is faster than a Tartan, due to a Tartan being around a TIE fighter in speed). If they hold back with the corvettes for a concentrated front, they are more likely to take losses enroute, whereas if they go by the book, they will engage in waves.

- Due to their speed, it is most likely that the Inevitable would focus on the Corvettes as they approach, which, with its amount of firepower in the cavern that would cover that approach vector, and the number of corvettes, numbers are a disadvantage here.

- If there is a boarding action, I have a few more factors to bring up, but that is up to K and when the forces arrive. Frankly, with the shots per volley and the power behind the shots (read glass cannons), I do not foresee this being a long engagement.


As for the ghost, honestly, as long as it keeps range, nothing I can really do about it, nor do I have jammers that I recall in this fleet.


As far as I know, unless you have an informant or something, then it should just be considered a standard Inevitable, since before now there hasn't really been signs that it is the flagship of the fleet since in appearance, it resembles several other ships. After the battle might be a different story, but...


As for when I suspect the RF fleet will arrive, honestly, it has been pushed back in my mind after crunching the numbers in that previous post of mine when considering the accuracy, number, and power of the shots being fired on a force that wasn't expecting them. Originally, I was thinking Phase 3 or so would be the arrival. However, after the number crunching, I find it at least possible that the EL fleet could leave before the RF reinforcements show up at all.


Quick number crunch, assuming worst case with none of the ships being destroyed on approach and considering just the long arm fire. Going to assume a 10% hit rate, despite their state of the art long range targeting systems. 30-40 shots per volley, so 3-4 shots per volley hitting, check for a minute, 9-12 shots hitting. Even on this low of an accuracy/hit ratio, the corvettes are likely to be in critical condition or destroyed. The Ardents, at a 20% due to the bump in size, would be 18-24 shots, which, at that caliber, would prove lethal. Assuming 30% for the cruisers due to the next bump in size, that is 27-36 shots. Now, so far the cruisers are the only ones that seem to be able to take that many shots within a minute (due to shield recharge time and etc) and still be able to continue on. So even at 10-20-30%'s for the corvette-frigate-cruiser categories, that is some damage... within a single minute. Do note, I am still using the 20s reload number, which, would likely be closer to 5-10s. Now, if you add in the close range punishment of the Inevitable... Well, it gets ugly.


A few things I need to give a few blurbs out to:

- 10,000 Point Defense Turrets on the Inevitable, to deal with pesky missiles, with their spacing it is considered average missile defense, though, not really any blind spots for it.

- 3,000 Guided missile launchers. To help in the closer quarters engagements, and dealing with pesky quick things.


Now, if the RF does end up trying to board the Inevitable... Well, there are more than just the soldiers and force users to worry about, which are trained and accommodated to use this ship's interior to their advantage.


Side Note: Don't forget all of the passive boosts that my fleet will get for having a Flagship and multiple competent leaders! Morale and etc etc shall go through the roof! <:D

-Sil you are forgetting about the Vanquishers and my defenders pilots are quite skilled and with the help from my perk,Imperial Ace's:The best trained pilots in the Galaxy Imperial Ace's are said to have unnatural reaction speeds in dog fights.Which will help them avoid fire from your locust swarms.

-I believe our two perks pretty much cancel each other out and the edge is VAO until the reinforcements arrive.Which gives my commander the advantage as a tier 10.

-I agree with the Inevitable focusing the Corvettes,

-Sil I won't be boarding the ship and if there is any boarding it be apart of the reinforcements.I was saying Disable to ship just to be a Dick and leave them there for a while:p


The Ghost will be your Downfall Sil.


For calling the Inevitable the Legend I called it the Legend for the readers Sil.So they will know what ship I was talking about.Next time I will just call it the Inevitable.


-As I mentioned before I believe my forces will arrive near the end of phase 2,Which will cut off your forces escape.The force currently facing off against the Inevitable and long arms will catch a beating I see a 65-70% loss of capital ships and a 75% loss of star fighters.As you mentioned yes it is possible,for your fleet to escape but with the speed of my fleet and the fact that my fleet is already prepared and waiting to jump into hyperspace for an attack will allow them to get there quickly.Again I want to hit this Home for 15 plus turns I have had ghost frigates watching your and reporting any action your Fleet have committed in this time.This fleet is way too small to attack anywhere but Rattatak.

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To make things easier for the viewers I;m posting the stats for my customs ships or ships with additional defensive or Offensive bonuses that's in the battle.






500 long range concussion missile launchers

10,000 PTD

6,000 medium turbolasers batteries (arranged in groups of 10),

2,000 heavy turbolaser Batteries (arranged in groups of 5)




Tie Vanquishers



4 Dual Laser cannons

2 ion cannon

2 General purpose warhead launcher 4 proton torpedoes each




Hammer Class


4 Heavy Prow turbolaser

4 Heavy prow Ion cannons

20 PDT

20 Turbolaser









Additional Generators

Decent armor




Tie Vanquishers



Strong shields

Strong Armor

High Maneuverability




Hammer Class



Heavy shielding

Heavy armor








Good armor







Double shielding

Strong armor



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-Sil you are forgetting about the Vanquishers and my defenders pilots are quite skilled and with the help from my perk,Imperial Ace's:The best trained pilots in the Galaxy Imperial Ace's are said to have unnatural reaction speeds in dog fights.Which will help them avoid fire from your locust swarms.

-I believe our two perks pretty much cancel each other out and the edge is VAO until the reinforcements arrive.Which gives my commander the advantage as a tier 10.

-I agree with the Inevitable focusing the Corvettes,

-Sil I won't be boarding the ship and if there is any boarding it be apart of the reinforcements.I was saying Disable to ship just to be a Dick and leave them there for a while:p


The Ghost will be your Downfall Sil.


For calling the Inevitable the Legend I called it the Legend for the readers Sil.So they will know what ship I was talking about.Next time I will just call it the Inevitable.


-As I mentioned before I believe my forces will arrive near the end of phase 2,Which will cut off your forces escape.The force currently facing off against the Inevitable and long arms will catch a beating I see a 65-70% loss of capital ships and a 75% loss of star fighters.As you mentioned yes it is possible,for your fleet to escape but with the speed of my fleet and the fact that my fleet is already prepared and waiting to jump into hyperspace for an attack will allow them to get there quickly.Again I want to hit this Home for 15 plus turns I have had ghost frigates watching your and reporting any action your Fleet have committed in this time.This fleet is way too small to attack anywhere but Rattatak.


I am not forgetting about them, J. However, since our perks basically cancel out, even before Vao comes into play, I will have the edge. Why? My pilots are force users (the ones that will be taking chunks I mean) which are known for being awesome at piloting. Not to mention that the Adept is a better fighter (which costs an arm and a leg in comparison).


That said, even with the perk, reaction time can only go so far when there are so many enemies firing at you, I mean, not like they can see the future and dodge between the bolts. :d_smile:


With the edge in star fighter tactics, the amount of Adepts I have and the amount of Locusts to distract... That R8 in Starfighter tactics basically is the nail in the coffin. With the Inevitable focusing the Corvettes on approach their effectiveness will be severely slashed due to losses.


Chats we have had aside, 75% loss of forces would be far past the end of Phase II. Phase III is set to begin once the RF fleet that is originally there begins to route. Which, I predict to be around 50%. With them routing, it is likely they would take more casualties. Depending on how long they have been there, they will continue to bombard them as the locust's re-attach. Which would then lead to Phase IV, leaving. Now, how many forces would remain, depends on how quickly ships are getting destroyed. If it is super fast, could see a 100% casualty by the time my fleet jumps. If slow, I predict around 60%.


In reference to one of my previous posts, at the 20s reload time, that is aprox 6,000,000 shells shot per hour. Assuming that the RF fleet is en-route the moment that the captain puts out the signal, then it depends on the time it takes to close and engage with the RF fleet. Taking into account the previous factors, I estimate around 1-2 hours to get into position for Phase II at the MOST. At the least, I see 10 minutes, if they put their feet to the fire. Which, considering the prow guns on the Inevitable, I am inclined to think that they would try and close as fast as possible. I mean, lets be honest, those guns are huge and will take chunks out of ships with each shot. Would not be surprised if they could 1 shot Ardent's, Vindicators, and the Corvettes with a direct hit. I say that simply because of the energy output of the vessel, and focusing it into the prow guns which are designed to be devastating at range. I mean, the length of the prow guns dwarf's the size of all of your present ships if I recall correctly. Nor would it be a slow fire like the Long Range Heavy Mass Drivers. Referring to the Munificient (which had impressive prow gun dmg) and scaling it up, well... Even at just 10min for engagement time before CQC, that is more than a couple ships down, which again, with the numbers you have, making it a little harder to miss.


As for the reinforcements, from our chats, I would estimate that it would take the reinforcements anywhere from 4 hours to 6 hours to arrive. Which means worst case scenario for you, would be your guys closing super quick like the doctrine dictates. Best case, with them closing in a whopping 2 hours, not only will they already be rather damaged from the prow guns, but they would still need to survive 2-4 hours of heavy bombardment. Referring back to the 20s reload time estimates, that would put it at 6,000,000 shells PER HOUR. Suffice to say, I believe with those numbers that it is likely Phase III will be hit before reinforcements arrive. If nothing else, the EL fleet will run out of shells before reinforcements arrive and will then pull out. However, if the RF ships are dropping quickly due to the volleys, the EL will be encouraged due to morale to finish them. It all depends on how long it takes.


Side Note: Something I forgot to mention in my stats post concerning the Adept. They are Extremely maneuverable, basically so much so that it requires a Force user to properly harness it and to use it to its fullest. All but the most skilled none-force users would most likely crash and etc etc. Also, the Adepts were enchanted by the Priest caste to help the pilot with their precog.


Quick reference to the force ability levels of the Adept pilots.


















Drain Knowledge









Drain Knowledge





One last blurb for the Adept pilots. Instead of focusing on sword play (that is the Champions job!), or meditation to understand the mysteries of the force (that is the Priests job!), they are trained to pilot and done so extensively. They are not like most Starfighter pilots which come with the ship, which drastically increases their skill, but they are also force users trained specifically to apply their abilities to Starfighter piloting. Giving them a distinct edge over most. This is before even considering the ship they fly, the Adept.



Specs -


4 Heavy laser cannons

4 Light Ion cannons

2 Missile Launchers (right/left fins)

2 Proton Tubes (top/bottom fins)


Super Strong (x3 TIE Defender shield)


Super Heavy




Engines line the back end of the ‘tails’

Total of 16 small engines, 4 per tail (2 sides)

On the side of the ‘tails’ are numerous maneuvering thrusters

Cover the area’s around the bulge which contains most of the tech


Much faster than an Interceptor


Designed for Force Users ONLY






Imbued by the Priest’s to strengthen the pilots precog abilities (Mysticism)


A class of star fighter that was specifically designed with the abilities of force users first and foremost. Unlike most star fighters, the force users will not have to adapt and under perform merely due to a ship being too slow. Its system of maneuvering thrusters that dot its hull, as well as the engines in the back are configured to allow maximum agility. In the hands of one not adept in the force, the odds of crashing and being unable to fully control the craft are high. In the hands of a force user however, it should allow them, with their reflexes and precognitive abilities, to be the most agile craft on the field. With its choice of quad weaponry, it is equipped to handle opposition of varying degrees. With such personnel not being as disposable as the average grunt, it has also been upgraded with heavy armor as well as a extremely quality shield generator. In so doing, and with all that is required for such a fighter, the construction cost is higher than most in the galaxy.




After Thought: The neat thing about the Long Arm class? It is designed for skirmish campaigns and long range bombardment. If they stay on the move, they could, with some losses, do so against most enemies. They would have to be beyond the normal long range engagement though in said campaigns. using the properties of their shells, that of being physical shots, and the physics of space, they could fire from much farther out. Albeit, would be harder to hit some targets. This is also where the special on their hyperdrive comes into play. But this is all a discussion for another time...


P.S. Considering the variables and the unlikeliness that the ghosts got close-range scans of the vessels... It actually could of been thought to go to more than Rattatak. From long range scans they would see that they are cruiser sized, and carry a pretty deadly bit of weaponry. Not to mention there are 10,000 of them. Long Range + Cruiser + 10,000 = a pretty dang big fleet that could do some shenanigans to most. Ofc, at long range scans, it would be pretty hard for the ghosts to evaluate the defenses of said ship since it wasn't seen yet in battle, which would have instantly changed their perspective. Do recall, that 200 heavy cruisers were considered a lot in the PT era. More so when they were lost. I am of course referring to the Katana fleet. Granted, the LA are only 300m whereas the dreadnaughts were 600m, but there are also far more LA in this equation. Like the Katana Fleet, the 10,000 Long Arms had disappeared for quite a while from your spies eyes. I mean, OOC it was the hyperdrives that don't go long distances in a single turn... But IC, how would they know its hyperdrive rating since it is to them, a new ship? Most combat vessels have a rating of 1 or 2 for their hyperdrives. Meaning that if they were going for an attack, they would of had 2 turns of mystery. 2 turns of, 'What the hell, where are they?' IC, they could of merely been doing deep-space exercises. I mean, definitely not the first time that I have moved my forces around for exercises which would ofc of been reported to your command. Must get old after a while with all of the false alarms...


P.P.S. May my Text Wall attack crit you real good!

:d_rolls_eyes::d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes:

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Figured now was a good time to discuss the conventional firepower of the Inevitable.


A reminder of the first wave of RF forces, if they are using the usual imperial tactics, I mean.



10,000 Tie defenders

5,000 Tie Vanquishers




This is primarily due to their speed and acting as a screening action. The second wave.



5,000 Skirays

750 ardents

1000 tartans

300 namana



The speeds vary, but in general it would still arrive at similar times, so counting it as part of the wave. Wave 3 would basically be the cruisers.


A reminder of the Inevitable weaponry (excluding PDT), which can all fire in the forward arc.




2 Heavy Turbolaser Prow Cannons

2 Heavy Ion Prow Cannons

14,000 Turbolasers (Top and Bottom)

10,000 Heavy Turbolasers (Cavern)

3,000 Guided Missile Tubes




Basic break down is that each wave would enter the medium-short ranges that all of them are able to engage at. The only ones that can do some light long range fire, are the Majestics. However, they are not dedicated long range vessels. Luckily, their main target is quite the honker!


Now, the thing to note concerning the Inevitable, is that at medium range, ALL of its weaponry can be focused on anything in front of it due to how it is designed. Now, normally the Starfighters would come through relatively unaffected by larger vessel fire. However, due to the sheer number of shots, they may encounter as much as 20% casualty rates. (this covers the entire portion before dogfights, not just medium range) Included in this figure is that of the guided missiles which were designed to take out Starfighters and corvettes (and if focusing fire, frigates/cruisers).


As for the 2nd wave, 1,300 Corvettes and 750 frigates... This is where it gets bloody. By this time, the first wave would be in close range, and thus the top/bottom would switch to these larger vessels. With the bump in size and loss of maneuverability, the wall of laser bolts would find a good purchase here in its hit rate. Once you toss in the Cavern which has 10,000 heavy turbo's, it hurts. I predict around a 50% casualty for the corvettes at least, since the tacticians would know that they could hamper the locust/adepts which, if they are victorious in the Starfighter engagement, can turn the tide swiftly in the realm of capital ships. As for the Frigates, due to the focus on the corvettes, most of their losses would likely be shots aimed at corvettes, but missed and hit the frigate instead. I estimate 5%->10%.


Finally, once the 2nd wave is in close range and away from the top/bottom guns, the 3rd and final wave would hit. At this point the dogfights are in full swing and the 2nd wave is closing fast. The Vindicators I see takingthe most casualties here, with the Bothan's taking minor damage and Majestic's using the previous waves to basically come through unharmed. if it was just the Inevitable, this would be great and they could bleed it to death. However, this is right about where Phase II would commence, and the Long Arms would begin bombarding the 3rd wave.


I can go into detail when I return. For now,

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Just a quick number crunch again.


If the estimates I put forward in my previous post are true, and assuming the cruisers lose 0, but are damaged... Aproxiamte capital ships left: 2,215


Recalculating ship numbers for focus: 10,000/2,215 = 4.514672686230248


4 for half, and 5 for half.


120-150 shots per minute per ship.


7,200-9,000 per hour per ship.


Ofc not accounting for snow balling that could occur on ship destruction.

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