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New AOE Ground Effects No Longer Distinguish Friendly from Enemy Fire


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Every single AOE looks the same now, with the only difference being the size of the green circle... heals and DPS have no differentiation between them, and you can no longer tell if that big green AOE marker is your healer's kolto waves, or the enemy's suppressive fire.


I like the idea of the change to better reflect the actual area of impact... but you MUST make some distinguishing characteristics between what is heals and what is DPS at minimum, preferrably something to further distinguish between what is what.

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I rarely PvP, but I agree. The circle must be distinguished between friendly and hostile one. Still, the change looks nice and imo is better than the previous one.


Once you can distinguish between what's healing you and what's hurting you... then I will agree.

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Every single AOE looks the same now, with the only difference being the size of the green circle... heals and DPS have no differentiation between them, and you can no longer tell if that big green AOE marker is your healer's kolto waves, or the enemy's suppressive fire.


I like the idea of the change to better reflect the actual area of impact... but you MUST make some distinguishing characteristics between what is heals and what is DPS at minimum, preferrably something to further distinguish between what is what.



You are right. I guess all they have to do is color green ally AOE's and color red enemy AOE's.

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It's ridiculous to see that dev's didn't figure out by themselves that we need to be able to disociate allied and ennemies aoe.


It's just obvious, it's their job to think about it but players have to tell them... I mean, these guys are professionals right ?


Really pathetic.

Edited by RswanBing
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Funny thing is, they had the same issue before. Back when the game started Imp AOE was always red and Pub AOE was always green (IIRC) Which was ok if you were facing the opposite faction, but if it was pub vs pub or imp vs imp, all the AOE would look the same. The fix is what we had before 5.1. No one complained about it and it did not need any changes. Fast forward to today and the devs go, "oh look, we can make this better by making the lines more clear where the AOE will actually hit." That part is great....for pve. In PVP, we still need a quick way to see friendly and opposite team AOE without having to look at the symbol on the ground to figure out if we should enter that area or not. And again, there is no way to tell if the AOE is of the opposite team if you are facing the same faction, just like people complained about when the game started. Of course if the devs actually played their game and participated in PVP they would have already know this.



Did some digging and looks like people were complaining about the same thing 5 years ago. Way to go BW.




This wasn't fixed until late June, 6 months after people were complaining about it. Can we expect the same time frame? Given BW current staff and inability to make PVP player friendly decisions, I would say probably longer.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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