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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ben and Bioware remains silent about the critisism for 5.1.


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I can't argue with anything you said here, other than I don't expect big changes to gearing in 5.2. They might surprise me, but I expect that will be 5.5 or 5.6 or maybe even 6.0 if there is a 6.0.


I'm basing my hunch on they need something to make the 5.2 content repeatable more than "normal".


GC means even though they have people grinding now they will reach a point by 5.2 that those that stuck around and did use GC have no need to grind anymore ( already geared as much as they like and/or sick of it entirely ).


So they will then have to rethink things ... "New operation, we want people to repeat this a lot until the next boss drops, people have already geared through GC so how can we make people want to repeat this?".


That's the question I would be asking myself if I were BWA and the best answer is stat gear drops.

It's of course more complex than that as they need to also take PVP gearing into consideration ( giving gear drops to the boss means you make it easier way to gear which affects PVP balance for those with no interest in doing the boss ) but I feel they'll have to do something.


My guess? Guaranteed 2 x SB drop per 8m run and 4 x for 16m - random piece though. Then just ignore the PVP fallout heh.


That gets lots of people doing the new boss to gear up instead of GC/PVP - poor rng on other ops.


would be stupid if they just went in with a 50% drop rate of any piece - it needs to be guaranteed, it's what people want and at this stage appeasing as many people as possible is more important than trying to get people to grind **** they don't want to do and thus forcing them out.

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It's not that this game will be dead it already is, I cancelled my sub at 5.0 but because I bought it 6 monthly Im still sub until march. 5.1 has done nothing to make me resub. Ops loot is still still ****; come on 1 item per op that just *********** sucks. The story is linear with almost no difference between factions and characters. Goodbye SWTOR. The only saving grace is that my guild has a facebook page so we can keep in touch. But that is something we did and has nothing to do with the game or Bioware. Goodbye SWTOR I'm sure we'll find a better mmo to play as a group. :mad:
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The vocal forum warriors don't represent the vast majority of players. They have access to metrics to show them if it is successful or not.


Jesus H Bloody Christ on a stick man, look at the fleet chat. People are *********** pissed off at this system; it's the topic in almost every single WZ or Ops run.


People talking negatively about these changes everywhere. It's really really bad.

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