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Cannot change payment method


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I have my cdedit card expired, there is not option to change it, so i deleted it, tryed to add through subscription menu in account management, but there is no options to add card, so i go to shop, buy a subsrciption again , it take 1$ from my card, in subscription menu says that i will be billed on 02 feb, but in billing method is no card and after clicking edit there is just empty fields - so how can i be sured that i will be billed on time and card is added to my subscription? Please, i wanna give your my money, so can you provide some help? I'm from Russian Federation and there is no posibility to call support and on EA forums is no ane helpful information. Before my Subscription end date:

was canceled, now is Recurrent but in Credit Card Accounts: is nothing.. and status is subscribed..

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