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Any chance to make a choice to join in to lowbies/midbies wzs with 70lvl toon?


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Greetings, i was thinking about that long time ago, but because that engine is piece of **** and honestly i am NOT GOING TO PLAY 70s with 20 FPS will be here some option to que in what wzs i want? That's mean, so i am lvl 70, but want to play on lowbies (don't wanna make a new toon!) because better fps, more kills and SO MUCH MORE FUN then on 70s where everybody is like a tank, so there would be some option for that and there would work some deboolster for downgrade stats, etc....


Would be really appreciated

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If you could set your real level to the appropriate level in those brackets... It won't be a bad idea...

But if there is a terrible imbalance in the lowbies now (some people at 40's are like gods for some even at 30's because of class differences), I don't want to think about someone with all the level 70 skills!

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When i mentioned deboolster i meant of curse with everything. That's mean with removed skills (temporary) set bonuses etc.


Because PvP is only thing, what is holding me here, but i am not really interested to play 70s, which are really not fun with that terrible performance thanks to this engine.


BW is making some new stuffs like really useless uprisings (nonsense!!!!) but they're really not focusing on wzs

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