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Can't bring myself to play republic side *SPOILERS*


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People say Imperial Agent (haven't played) is interesting but I like Force users.

Well, it's half James Bond half Jason Bourne. So if you like that kind of atmosphere, you'd like the IA story.

The bad thing with the Agent - for me - is his/her crew. But the story, yeah, that's pretty cool.


My very first character was an IA (human male healer) and I recently decided to play that class again, but this time with a female cathar sniper.

From my point of view, having an alien as agent is a good idea ( in a lore way ) ; nobody would suspect her to be a spy/assassin since the Empire is xenophobic.

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I haven't played past the original story, can you play one from each side when you go into expansions, or do you just have to pick one character? I was thinking of going with Bounty Hunter instead of Warrior when I go into expansions.

Why would you have to choose? You can play expansions on each character independently. Also You don't have to complete all expansions in the order they were released, for example I left undone Rise of the Hutt Cartel on one of my characters and now after ending KOTET it seems still available. Of course this causes some funny situations when suddenly You meet someone who is dead...

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Why would you have to choose? You can play expansions on each character independently. Also You don't have to complete all expansions in the order they were released, for example I left undone Rise of the Hutt Cartel on one of my characters and now after ending KOTET it seems still available. Of course this causes some funny situations when suddenly You meet someone who is dead...


Oh that's nice. I don't' know where I got it from, I read somewhere that you can replay with other characters but it doesn't' count, or something like that.

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