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Compainions loosing skills/buffs


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compainions have a bug now, in middle of fight they loose their buff's ?? skills?? stats?? on the character sheet under the damage (pir) stat it will go blank so then they just stand there doing nothing..

it first started when they were in the healing mode, now it has started in the damage mode..the only time that they are not affected yet is when they are set to tank..

it happens in a middle of mob fight, 2. when you unmount from your mount, 3. when you use quick travel, it's getting a little bit bothersome to haveing to keep changing your comp from heal,tank,dsp until

the abilitys stick..this issue has really started back in patch 4.1 they were bug reports sent in by me and others, now that it is gettin worse i'm sending another..PLEASE TRY TO FIX THIS BEFORE THE NEXT PATHC..



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