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Game crashing.


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For the last couple of weeks my game has been crashing. I will start the game up log in select my character and start playing. Sometimes it will let me play for hours sometimes minutes. Essentially what it does is I will be playing and all of a sudden the game will freeze then screen turn black and then automatically close swtor to the desktop. I've troubleshooted for the past 2 week. All updates for Windows are installed and graphics drivers are up to date and directx is installed. If anyone could please help me it would be greatly appreciated. Edited by commandrx
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A search for "crashing" in the Search Community box at the upper right should show you previous threads on this topic but...


Whenever you have a piece of software muck up like that, you want to do 2 things.


1) Check the install. Here's how to do it here - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=729911


2) Check your error logs. Those are in the /logs subdirectory under your game install. See if anything got dropped in there.


Let us know what happens please.




graphics drivers are up to date


It would be a plus if you gave some specifics to that. Certain graphics updates have been known to cause issues previously. The specific card as well as the specific softwear version would be a plus.


Never assume that software versions are up to date. I once had a woman swear to be that Firefox (I think it was) 5 was the latest version that they had issued. :)

Edited by dr_mike
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My graphics card is a Pny GeForce 9600 gt and the driver version that installed is 342.9 and also I have tried deleting bitraider and edited the launcher settings you disable bitraider and am still having the same problem. Edited by commandrx
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Unfortunately, there are WAY too many things that can cause the game to crash. Graphics card overheating, a bad power supply that makes your video card cut out, bad installation, corrupt files, etc, etc. Id check the graphics card and power supply since those are easy to check. Then go on from there.
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Things to try:


1. Open %temp% and delete everything therein that you can to increase performance.

2. Repeat for c:\windows\temp.

3. Carve out 8GB worth of page files instead of letting the OS decide for you. (Open Control Panel > Change the view to small or large icons > Click on System > Click on advanced system settings > Click on Settings under Performance > Click on the Advanced Tab > Click on the "Change" button > Put the "dot" in Custom Size > Type 8192 in both fields. Okay out of everything a reboot.

4. There are other things you can do to increase performance, but these few things should greatly improve your machine as a whole not just in the game.

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Oh, and one in-game things you can try. Turn shadows and the grass distance WAY down and see what happens.


I had crashing going on, so I turned off shadows and ran the game fullscreen windowed, as before it would crash and I kept getting the error message "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." or "Application swtor.exe has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware."


Running Windows 10 and Nvidia GForce GTX 9700.


I might get one hiccup (Grey Screen for about 10 seconds) now and again, but no more crashing.

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I had crashing going on, so I turned off shadows and ran the game fullscreen windowed, as before it would crash and I kept getting the error message "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." or "Application swtor.exe has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware."


Running Windows 10 and Nvidia GForce GTX 9700.


I might get one hiccup (Grey Screen for about 10 seconds) now and again, but no more crashing.


Is this a EVGA GTX 970 per chance (just in case) ? there was a firmware issue a while back that would cause a grey screen crash , workaround was to place the Nvidia Driver in Debug Mode per this link


I was under the impression a new firmware to fix that issue was released by EVGA

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