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Star Wars The Old Republic Chapter IX Eternal Throne. (Spoilers!!!)


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I'm stuck at chapter nine where you have to kill Kaylin's Spirit, but the problem is. I have no Health packs, all my equipment's are broken and I keep dying. A lot. I kind just feel like uninstalling the entire game. I've tried luring her into the memory of healing but the lowest I could deal to her was 39%, after that I keep dying. I'm kind a sick of it and can't get past it and to be honest I'm not really good with big boss fights, when I was fighting arcan. It took me hours to defeat him, WITH a follower.



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Use the Exit Area button (top of your minimap - it's a *tiny* button, but it's there) to return to where you were before, and repair your gear. Or maybe upgrade it. What "rating" is your gear? (Look on the tooltips that pop up when you mouse over the gear slots.)


Always fight her from INSIDE the purple circle at her feet. If you are outside that circle, she reflects your hits back at you, so you hurt yourself instead of her.


Never get between her and the edge of the rock, unless you also get outside the big red circle effect, because if she completes the cast on that skill, you will be knocked back a long way. If you are anywhere vaguely near the edge of the rock you get a free non-flying lesson. That is, she reminds you that meatbags can't fly.


Oh, and go back in time and tell yourself how foolish you were, just like me, for not imprisoning Lord Dramath.


I released him on my Lightning Sorc, and she is having a hard time of it, partly because I suck. My Guardian (this one) imprisoned him, and she had no problems.


But this encounter is another example of SteveTheCynic's Jennur's Horde rule. Jennur's Horde is a "mission" (like a story-line flashpoint) in Guild Wars 1's Nightfall campaign. It raises the difficulty level significantly compared to the content that comes both before and after it, BUT once you successfully complete it, you find that you have learned how to play better. (In Jennur's Horde, I learned the value of advancing carefully in order to control the size of fights and other things.) Summary: Every time you go into "hard" content (meaning, difficult for *you* to finish), you learn something about how to play better.

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Everything Steve said is correct. I also found that getting her to run into the green health orbs with me not only took her health down and added to mine, but gave me time to get offense in. I highly recommend trying to get her in the path of the green orbs as another tactic.
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IIRC, it only takes 4 Orbs of Healing to get her to practically dead. I just kited her round and round the circle running her into the orbs whenever possible (And taking them myself when necessary).


So, without Dramath, you can:


1. Fight it as a straight up fight, remembering three things. a) Stay inside the purple circle. b) pop out from time to time to grab an orb of healing, c) Run far, far away when she starts her big knockback. You get like 10 seconds or something, which is sort of an eternity, and more than enough time to run out of the affected area.


2. Fight it the way you fought the Arishok in Dragon Age 2, like a screaming 5 year old child, running away -constantly-. Who remembers this?


No judging here, I've done this both ways. Just kite her around and around the central steps, running her into orbs of healing as and when it's convenient to do so. If you've got any movement speed increases (Blade Blitz, Scamper, whatever your class happens to have) now's a good time to use those. Since you're constantly running away, she'll never hit you with the big knockback, because she has to stop to cast that, and that's actually a really good time to get yourself all lined up with an orb of healing between you and her, because she'll take the straightest line she can after that to get to you.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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I released him on my Lightning Sorc, and she is having a hard time of it, partly because I suck.

Update: I went back having upgraded my gear and made a blue grade 10 power/mastery stim and some grade 10 medpacks. The character has three 230-blue GC armour pieces and crafted 228s almost everywhere else, including hilt/mod/enhancements on her sabre, etc. Many, many alacrity augments. The works. (Crafted 228s might suck donkey balls, but if you don't have any 4.X 224 Ops token pieces, nor 220 Ops token pieces, they are a good way of getting started.)


I still suck, but at least that way I was able to win it.

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Update: I went back having upgraded my gear and made a blue grade 10 power/mastery stim and some grade 10 medpacks. The character has three 230-blue GC armour pieces and crafted 228s almost everywhere else, including hilt/mod/enhancements on her sabre, etc. Many, many alacrity augments. The works. (Crafted 228s might suck donkey balls, but if you don't have any 4.X 224 Ops token pieces, nor 220 Ops token pieces, they are a good way of getting started.)


I still suck, but at least that way I was able to win it.


Haha. 228's are way better than what I was wearing last time I ran it. If that sucks donkey balls, my gear must be a complete and total embarrassment!


Congrats for completing it though!

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Haha. 228's are way better than what I was wearing last time I ran it. If that sucks donkey balls, my gear must be a complete and total embarrassment!


Congrats for completing it though!

Thanks. I don't think that 228s suck at all. The people saying that are dedicated progression-raiding minmaxers, and the debate centres around comparing 4.0 Ops-token setbonus 224-rated gear with crafted 228s and stronger things from CXP crates. And in their analysis, crafted 228s don't come off well because they are looking for that extra 1-2%, and anything that doesn't give it is, by definition, totally useless, and not even worth considering as a starting point. (I'm only exaggerating slightly.)


I think it's a stupid line of reasoning, not least because people who start NOW cannot use Ops-token 224s.

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