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There is a problem with your inventory.


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Hello I am here to report a bug, when I buy a armor set from the cartel market it proceeds to say the following 'There is a problem with your inventory. Please submit a Customer Support ticket for more assistance. Error Code:mtxClaimResultInventoryError' Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D
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Please submit a Customer Support ticket for more assistance.


A quick search of the forum for the mtxClaimResultInventoryError error you gave also suggests doing that.


Be sure to check first though to see if your inventory isn't full. I;m sure you;ve done that though.


Be sure to give specifics when you submit the ticket.


And don;t hold your breath on a quick response. We have folks here in the forums bragging about how they're overloading support with their tickets I;m afraid.


Good luck

Edited by dr_mike
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