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Music Bugs


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( I did submit a Bug Report in-game, but the customer service droid didn't understand my problem, so I'll post it here too)


I am experiencing 2 music-related bugs.


1. 2 songs play at the same time. A lot of times now, especially in some cutscenes in the story, the game will play 2 songs at the same time. That plus the sound effects and characters talking, makes for too much noise and it ruins the music effect.



2.Combat music does not end with combat. I've noticed recently that often the combat music does not stop playing when I exit combat. I have to either listen to the whole song, which is kinda stressful, because it's battlemusic, and it ruins conversations. OR I have to relog into the game.


Would be awesome if you could take a look at these bugs!

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Having the music mess up has been a known issue for quite some time. If you type "music" in the Search Community box at the upper right and click on the Search button, you should see previously threads on the topic.


I don;t recall any acknowledgement over the issue.

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I've noticed something similar/related recently:


* Ambient area music no longer stops when jukeboxes are playing.


* There's an odd ambient buzzing noise that is everywhere. It fades out when you QT but comes back again. The only solution is to quit restart the game. Relogging a character doesn't fix it.



This one has been happening for as long as I've played:


* Continuous play jukebox decorations don't work properly in the upper floor of the Nar Shaddaa stronghold -- the music fades in and out constantly.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Sound volume issues for decorations have also been reported for some time now. I don;t recall any acknowledgement on that either.


edit: Some folks have reported that they've never heard the Ambient area music at all from those decorations

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There's an odd ambient buzzing noise that is everywhere. It fades out when you QT but comes back again. The only solution is to quit restart the game. Relogging a character doesn't fix it.


Pretty sure it comes from the Galactic Command screen (might be the flashpoints) where you keep hearing the lightsaber buzzing in the background after closing the window.

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