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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Item Tool Tips Popping Outside Viewable Area


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I've had this issue for a long, long while, and it seems to have gotten worse with 5.0, but I couldn't find any recent posts on the subject, so here goes.


When I hover over items in my inventory or on my character, many times the tool tip window that pops up with the item's description/stats will be half or most of the way off the screen, instead of next to the item you're hovering your mouse pointer over. This makes it impossible to see all the stats of the item or check on its collections status that way.


It doesn't seem to matter in what mode (windowed, full-screen, or full-screen windowed) or what resolution I'm running the game at; this keeps happening. It doesn't matter if I move my character/inventory window around before mousing over the item in question; it happens no matter where on the screen my mouse pointer is. It used to only be an occasional thing, but now it's happening over 90% of the time.


Has anyone else run into this issue? Does anyone know a fix?

Edited by AscendingSky
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