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5.0 story enjoyability and alts


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ALTs are pretty much worthless except for crafting or getting mats in my eyes.

BW/EA - pay attention to this please.

Your ****** GC/CXP/RNG gearing has ruined what was the best part of playing this game for a lot of "altoholics". Find a way to make the story interesting & fun to play for ALL classes/specs and remove GC/CXP/RNG from the game in the next expansion (if there is one).

As for OP's original question, KOTET was worth the play-through on my main and characters that romanced Theron Shan. I will also play through it once more for the dark-side choice. I can level other alts doing heroics and that's if I can be bothered. I'm still annoyed that the companions I spent time on for their story & my character responses were removed from the game never to be returned AND that we were made to choose

between Vette and Torian's lives even though I'd got them both to high influence and cannot get either of them back via the companion terminal. Whilst I would choose to kill Vette everytime, it does not take away from the fact that millions of credits were spent levelling her influence on my warriors, my main and a couple of alts.

I haven't even taken some of my level 65s through all of KOTFE yet, let alone KOTET.


Also, why on earth did they spend time and money giving characters wrinkled expressions every time they speak? Are their no humans they could have observed in the BW offices?

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How about everyone else? What has been your experience with bringing alts through the KotET story?

I have no intention of bringing any alt through that travesty. My core objection is the blatantly artificial situation at the end of Ch.8. That doesn't even deserve to be called fan-fic.


Which is a shame. There are some really neat things in Eternal Throne but there's just. so. much. wrong. with the overall story that I'm just not going to bother.


The funny thing is that I have several play-throughs of KotFE and plan on a few more as I have active Kaliyo and Jorgan romances and want to get my LS Jugg's BFF Vette back. As I only tolerate that story I'll probably not finish FE on them. KotET is dead to me.

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I haven't even finished it on ONE toon...my alts will never see it.


Did it one my Sith Warrior and my Knight. That is it. Not doing it on anyone else.


Now when I do log in, I just reroll and replay the old story and take my time with it.


I am done with worrying about end game and certainly dont want to drag my old high level alts through the same old content.


The older storyline kinda new again, Some of it I have not seen since 2011/2012 really.

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Alts in swtor are pretty much dead with how GC works and CXP. Sure, you can go and waste time trying to level them or play them but any time playing an alt is time taken away from your main and a higher GC level. So ALTs are pretty much worthless except for crafting or getting mats in my eyes.


Coming out of 4.0 where I played as many as 7 alts fairly regularly (not to mention the other alts I have). Running multiple OPS with multiple guilds or just PUGS even was entertaining. No hindrance to running alts.


With 5.0 - Just no reason to focus on an alt. Focus on anything but a main and you're behind in GC levels. So alts are out.


I was hating that I was stuck playing one character. I was like you and regularly played my alts in 4.0.


Recently, I just decided...."to heck with it all" and now Im just rerolling and playing all new characters through SWTOR. I am 100% done with end game...its tedious and its more like work than enjoyment.


Now I just play the game for the starwars and its kinda fun since last time I played the whole storyline, it was when hide head slot was a new concept, so now I can play with more options and its not too bad.


It was either change my perspective or just be bored out of mind lol.


That whole RNG to play old content is just not for me

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