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[BUG] Veteran KOTFE CH XI: Disavowed


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While outside the outpost disabling the force-field I got nuked by 3 elite Zakuul Knights (thanks, btw, for dialing them up so much that they hit like dump trucks ... my repair bill thanks you as well :p:eek:). When I clicked return to med centre it put me inside the outpost with the force-field still up. I am essentially stuck in here as the elevator does not function. Edited by Baby-Girl
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Well thank you rogue scholar for informing me of such. Now please go troll elsewhere.

Well, I'm sorry, but what you said amounts to complaining that Veteran mode is Veteran mode, and I think we all knew that.


DISCLAIMER: I haven't yet tried Veteran mode, mostly because I don't fancy being run over by a dump truck. I knew a guy in high school who was knocked down by an eighteen wheeler (box trailer, I presume), in front of the school, no less. He had the most *epic* scars up and down both legs, and no fear of wearing shorts, and he joked about being "Rob(1), Truck Slayer".


(1) I have a dim recollection of this actually being his name, but it *was* thirty-something years ago that I last saw him.

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