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Suggestion for Companion Marketization


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Companions used to be have a very rich customization experience - you could equip gear to affect both their appearance as well as their performance. In fact, you used to have to pick and choose active companion based on the role that they knew and you needed. Now, they are really just interchangeable pixels and sound files with nothing to differentiate them from each other or from other player's companions). The new companions introduced into the game with the KotFE and KotET story lines can't even have gear equipped to change their appearance (the lone exception is the recently made available Shae Visla, whose customization was declared as a BUG).


My suggestions are:


1) If game features have to "earn" their way in, sell in the cartel market an appearance item that unlocks the gear slots. You could test market with a "Lana Beniko" customization to see if it's worth doing for other companions.



2) You have already implemented a very nice outfit system for player characters so modify the code to allow for companion appearance slots - unlocked per character (so all their companions can be customized). Like other cartel unlocks, you can sell it per character or account.

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