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Anyone else leaving their merc cus of how op they are?


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You're *kind* of right in a way; my Commando was always just an alt for me, hated the storyline, played it just for completions sake. I like the playstyle well enough but the class never grabbed me. Which means that now that it is the FOTM I am even less likely to play it, because there is that stigma there too.


Of course I am loving my deception 'sin at the moment though, but that's because I always loved that class. I also love my concealment op for the playstyle, and no one is going to call concealment ops OP in the current meta.

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Deception is possibly the only exception to this this patch due how op their bug is, which also completely changes the rotation and how it plays. I can understand someone not wanting to play a class because it becomes so weak it becomes discouraging to play, but when it becomes strong, the people that are switching care more about not playing a strong class than playing a class they love, if it were the other way around they wouldn't be switching.


Nah. I like the class. I just like it when it feels like I'm getting deserved output for my level.

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