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Starting KOTET Chapter 1 freezes my computer


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I am trying to begin the KOTET expansion, but whenever I begin the first chapter, it completely freezes my laptop. It starts with the "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" slide, and then it just freezes on that so that I cannot spacebar through it or escape, or even tab out of the game so that I have to completely restart my computer. I have tried at least a half a dozen times to get through the problem, and I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game, but it still froze when I tried it after that.


I had trouble with freezing with the KOTFE expansion as well, and I seem to be having especially a lot of trouble on the intro/end credits for both. It froze on chapter 16 with the end credits, and now it's freezing with the introduction to the next expansion. Does anyone know of a way to remedy the problem, or at least skip the intro/opening crawl and go straight to the story? Thanks!


Also, I tried to include my DXDiag, but it wouldn't allow me to post because the text was too long.

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