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KOTFE and KOTET Replay Question


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I just have a quick question, if I play through KOTFE and KOTET, what happens to the decisions I made? Are they reset and whatever I choose in my most recent playthrough determines what will happen in future expansions, or does it stick to my initial decisions in my first playthrough? I just want to know because if it resets my choices then I reallly do not want to replay it and lose all of the decisions I made.
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I also have a question, does anyone know if you have to finish the whole entire chapter or can you exit out of it at any time? I wouldn't want to get stuck with the mission for ever if I only felt like doing a small part of it. Or if you are stuck with the mission forever can you restart it from the beginning if you want?


Also what about rewards? I assume you can loot mobs but do you get mission complete rewards? Like credits, piece of gear, cpx etc.


You know, maybe I should just try it today and see what happens, lol



- you can only have one chapter active, it will abandon and replace whatever chapter you're currently on, if any. At least that's what the warning says when you take the mission

-mobs in instance are 65, I'm 70

-companion still wears gear/customization I gave him

-can't abandon but can come and go just like normal

-mission rewards 27k credits, 200 cpx and crate with green gear

-it's a lot easier to drive through the swamp at 70 ;)

-Jorgan's six still looks good

-still seem to be gaining alignment points and comp affection


That's about it, nothing out of the ordinary

Edited by grania
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