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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

seriously swtor or bioware or whoever is in charge get rid of bitraider.


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hey and i came back to play swtor 3 days ago and when i installed and download it on day 1 i had to re-install and then day 2 and day 3 installing but then on day 3 night the downloading luancher stopped at 97.64% for the last 3 hours and i tried sonethings without reinstalling the bitraider gay pish folders but it had to come to thta and im not stuck on 97.64% and waiting on bitraider folder to download which is ridiculous.


swtor or bioware or whoever the hell in charge of this mmo get rid of bitraider, if it was the cheapest one for this game then guess what you are morons developer's and why??? well its cheap right?? well cheap= rubbish and expensive= great and bitraider= rubbish or well beyond ****.


just because bitraider cheap to pay and us i't doesn't mean it will be better then the expensive ones out their so get rid of bitraider and get a expensive one that will do its job properly without anyone or everyone complaining about bitraider and yust a *********** tip devs if customers are complaining about bitraider then you should do something not ignore it. :rak_02:

Edited by Michaelmccr
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Yep, it bad.


Last weeks dinky little patch took seconds up to 87% then took 12 hours to complete. 12 hours for 13% of a tiny patch!!


What I don't get is its sucking all my bandwidth. It hangs with very little to go but I cant get some websites to load completely while its running. Try a video....for-get about it.

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First of all, being rude isn't going to help at all.


The crappiness of BR is a well known and documented issue on these forums. Just get rid of bitraider completely (not just deleting the folder) and after another redownload of the game (I know, it's painful now but well worth it), everything will go much smoother.


Instruction here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7826333

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First of all, being rude isn't going to help at all.


The crappiness of BR is a well known and documented issue on these forums. Just get rid of bitraider completely (not just deleting the folder) and after another redownload of the game (I know, it's painful now but well worth it), everything will go much smoother.


Instruction here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7826333




I have gotten rid of Bitraider using those instructions (although I found the instructions on Reddit) some months ago, and it's been so nice not having Bitraider anymore.

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