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How much better is Annihilation for leveling than Carnage?


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Ya, but for us who like carnage we are boned. Here everyone was flaming me saying l2p when, they was using annihilation all this time. I was wondering why people was acting like they are good and can do things as carnage that I could not.



It makes so much more sense now, Annihilation is the only good pve spec we have.


So if I make a video of a Carnage spec'd Marauder tearing thru mobs you'll finally shut up about the class being broken?

Or are you going to lie again and say that I'm too low of a level to have issues, I've already quoted you once proving your hypocracy.

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It makes so much more sense now, Annihilation is the only good pve spec we have.


Annihilation is the only spec that's good enough so that you can solo 4 elites at the same time.


But I'm pretty sure Carnage can still pull its weight even though it's is not ideal for that venue of gameplay.

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So yeah, if you're a marauder who is carnage or rage and you're having trouble leveling... try annihilation. I suggested it to my two marauder friends and they both have suddenly had an enormous increase in their capacity to beat the **** out of things nonstop. It is pretty cool.


Rage is just as good imho. Just use quinn and go to town. You can drop an elite's health to 50% in the opener charge - choke - smash 2k+ (at lvl 38). Then just dps from there.


But lvling as a whole is very easy.

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Rage is just as good imho. Just use quinn and go to town. You can drop an elite's health to 50% in the opener charge - choke - smash 2k+ (at lvl 38). Then just dps from there.


But lvling as a whole is very easy.


I agree 100%, I've been playing Rage for quite a while. I've been doing well in PvP (151k average at level 35, with quest objectives), and I have zero trouble in PvE, and I use Jaesa. Flame & laugh all you want, but I'm not the one dying while questing or doing flashpoints :)

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Playing as Carnage, 36 lvl atm and I have no bigger problems fighting with groups of mobs 2 lvls above me. Cant be arsed to check other builds for leveling, ill play around at max lvl.


I really don't see what problems people have with carnage, the dmg seems pretty decent and pretty nice crowd control too


Oh yeah and im using Jaesa too, she's hot lol im not gay to have a guy running everywhere with me (no hate just stating my preferences)

Edited by AzeratePWN
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