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They Lied or Are Deluded


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This command system sucks. Anyone who tells you they like it either lied or they are deluded. I know exactly 2 people who are happy with it. EVERYONE is always complaining about it in game. I don't know why you guys are so proud of the disaster you've created.


Story. Np. Great there.


But for the end gamers...they all got royally screwed. How about you guys wake up and stop being so egotistical to believe that people actually like this crap. Whose bright idea was RNG again? Hey it's what we got to work with though, so we're still trying....for now. Eventually people are just gonna give up though and go to other games. Lost revenue = no more game = you out of a job.


Oh and every time someone comes up with a way to try to get command points faster so they can rank up...you go and nerf something. The way you're goin at it, its gonna take a year to get 1 toon up. None of us have time for all that. And those of us that like playing multiple toons and classes, we might as well give up.


The purpose of a game is supposed to be fun. The fun has been taken out. It's all work now. You wanted to make it casual friendly, that's fine. But ya went overboard with it. Now everyone is suffering.


Using the existing framework, you can change it so it doesn't take forever and a day to get level to level or tier to tier. Also change the RNG system so that we actually get the stuff we need. Oh and the other crap that comes out of command crates = useless.

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This guy brings up many valid points. 5.0 has all but killed any desire to continue playing. RNG for loot sorry your WoW cloning idea is just awful. Have some respect for yourselves and the ability to stand on your own. When we the community said we wanted things to be more challenging we did not mean we wanted korean grind fest ie command system. This shift to making only subscribers be able to earn command points should have gone into affect when you shifted to the fail to pay model. Now yet again you punish the subscribers. You have the tools and the ability to make thee most awesome of games in existance stop running it into the ground in the name of squeezing every nickel you can out of the lemon.


New Chapters released all at once. While I originally thought this was an awesome idea can play through it all at once. I personally have found that having this particular ability just makes it so I have no need, urge or desire to do it all. Especially due to the new animations of the force wielding classes.


All in all 5.0 is extremely underwhelming. I want to support this game but the downward spiral this frigate is doing just makes me want to cancel all my accounts and go find some other game my family and friends can enjoy together.

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The thing with the DvL is it's completely optional. You don't have to participate at all and ya still get rewards and can turn in for stuff if ya so choose. The command stuff we HAVE to do. Before we had a choice. That choice has now been taken away from us. Even if we choose we want to get better gear, we have to do it in a way that makes it like trying to put humpty dumpty back together again. And ya know what? All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put humpty back together again. Doing it with one toon is bad enough, for people that like playing 5, 6, 7 or more it's beyond ridiculous.
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