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Is it possible now to be Light or Dark without some special missions?


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I mean, I'm now re-playing Inquisitor and Warrior class stories from the beguinning, and it bothers me more and more that I would not be able to gather enough LS (or, in fact, DS) points by the moment I would need them and would be treated as a neutral at best (as I'm treated as a DS-by-default much more frequently). I mean, LS/DS tier 1 is 10000 now, while the amount of story points given sadly didn't grow up and is still 50-100 per choice.


By the way, the Tatooine apparition, Jaesa and many other events are in the 1 chapter, and Inq has his alignment-dependant events in the first part of the game, too. And the dialogue choices. which I miss the most, as I really cannot make PC be pleasant without a possibility to do this.

It was possible to earn tier 1 at Dromund Kaas, tier 2 at Balmorra. Now it is impossible, but the storyline stays the same and it's kinda game-breaking for me.


What have I to do to get at least tier 1?

Edited by LorcaGneditch
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Ok, there is a button to commit to either the Light Side or the Dark Side.

By default it's hidden under the minimap for some reason, so you have to go into the interface editor and move it.

If you commit to one side or the other (I heard Republic defaults Light and Empire defaults Dark for new characters) you should get extra points for doing every quest and every crew skill mission (the ones that grant companion gifts, lockboxes or materials, not the crafting)... though if you don't have Treek or HK-51 and you weren't subbed at the right times to earn Nico or Shae Vizla, and you didn't get Eternal tier in the DvL Event to unlock Master Ranos, then that little tidbit of info doesn't help you until you get your ship :o

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I'm commited to Light Side. I have 2000 points and I'm at Balmorra now. It was a tier 2 before the mess; it is nothing now((( By the way, do you mean the missions/gathering crew skills? They bring miserable 10-20 points. Not a visible impact(((( Edited by LorcaGneditch
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The alignment reward from the crew skills improves as you level them, and I think doubles on a crit (though it may just be Diplomacy that doubles as Diplomacy missions have their old Light or Dark values, which certainly increase on a crit and the new value for being committed to one side).

My level 65+ characters also seem to get 70 Light Side Points from each Quest on top of any alignment choices in the conversations. Granted, I haven't checked how it works for low-level characters but you should be getting gains from everything except crafting now.

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Yes, I do, it's just that those gains are minimal (now at Balmorra, have 2000 points - 8000 more needed for tier 1), and the alignment-dependent events are here at hand. Especially Jaesa is a problem. Sadly the developers didn't say anything about it(( and it's quite bothering, when you have 100% LS answers and no (plot-related) gain from it. Very Jedi-like, though. And unintentionally realistic: noone would trust a Sith can be not dark. Though restrictions on the player's side can make one mad. Edited by LorcaGneditch
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How much extra are you getting from quests?

For crew skills the reward seems to be 16 each at grade 1, 24 each at grade 2, 32 each at grade 3, 41 each at grade 4, 47 each at grade 5, 58 each at grade 6, 66 each at grade 7, 81 each at grade 8, 92 each at grade 9, and 102 each at grade 10.

Not great, but better than nothing, and Diplomacy can still give a lot more than that.

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~15-20 points if there is no direct light/dark choice. But I don't take every mission available. Seems I should, but it makes game a bit... boring for me. Crew skills are grade one (as my PC is low-level). Seems I need to learn diplomacy) this makes sence, as Artifice doesn't give me anything at all (there is wind crystal (purple-quality grade one sth) needed and idk where to find it).


Interestingly, my Consular fares much better - he has almost 3000 after only finishing Tython. Different count for Imps and Reps?

Edited by LorcaGneditch
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