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Flourish Emote -- Strange Ending


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I bought the Flourish emote awhile back for a character. It was something I heard about on a live Twitch stream and it looked awesome, so I had to have it. I paid a metric ton of credits for it in the GTN. Unfortunately, it is buggy. During the half-price Collection unlocks, I went ahead and unlocked it for my Legacy. It's equally buggy for all of my characters. During a recent Life Day party, I noticed it bugging for other people, as well.


When I perform the Flourish emote, it goes fine. Once the character finishes, they put their lightsaber away on the hip, but it's still lit. Then their hands go to their sides. The lightsaber floats magically from the hip to the right hand, still lit. Then the lightsaber is stuck to the hand, so any other actions performed look like a lightsaber is cutting through everything.


It also causes problems sometimes if I hit the key to activate/deactivate the lightsaber or enter combat. The system seems a bit confused whether my lightsaber is active or not.


So basically the order of events...

1) Lightsaber waves around in a pattern

2) Lightsaber is returned to hip but blade does not turn off

3) Hands drop to sides

4) Lightsaber floats from hip to right hand while still lit

5) Lightsaber is now stuck to the hand while activated

6) Using lightsaber may be buggy for a minute


Emote: Flourish

Characters: Any (tested only with female toons)

Class: Sith warrior or Jedi knight (single lightsaber wielders)

Race: Tested with human, cyborg, and sith

Server: Begeren Colony

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